Kusmi Tea

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drank Be Cool by Kusmi Tea
596 tasting notes

Refreshing blend, mint dominates a bit, but otherwise well-done.

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More mild than their Prince Vladimir tea, Kusmi’s Christmas tea is dominated by orange. The other “six” spices of the tea disappear in a pleasing way. I actually enjoy this tea better than their strongly spiced Prince Vladimir (which ironically, I think, makes a better holiday tea) but would not buy again out of personal preference.

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drank Prince Vladimir by Kusmi Tea
22 tasting notes

Spicy, with heavy notes of vanilla, cloves, cinnamon and bergamot. Best when brewed for a short time. It is a good Christmas time tea. The only negative is that they come in enormous tins (4.4 oz) and after two years, I have yet to come close to finishing it but can’t bring myself to toss it out… It is still fragrant enough to be potpourri though!

2 min, 0 sec

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Smooth and seamless, but I prefer other Kusmi teas to this one.

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drank St. Petersburg by Kusmi Tea
359 tasting notes

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Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

This one sounds really interesting from the reviews I’ve read so far :D


Kusmi’s very interesting, they have this consistent quality to them. Haha, I feel like one could make this one themselves with Four Fruits and Earl Grey.

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185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 30 sec

Great minds think alike. :)


Indeed, but I’d repurchase it. Well, maybe a small tin =P It’s definitely not something I’d have every day though.


Sounds yummy!


It is! I think I like this one more than St. Petersburg.

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drank Violet by Kusmi Tea
17 tasting notes

I was not impressed with this tea. Yes I love the smell of violet, but the tea did not smell or taste fresh and alive to me. Almost stale and muted.

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank St. Petersburg by Kusmi Tea
1908 tasting notes

I’m revisiting a lot of my old teas in an attempt to use them up before they go stale. Looking back on my old note on this tea I’m a bit surprised to find that this time I can in fact taste the red fruits that I couldn’t before. They’re subtle but similar to the grenadine flavour in a Monk’s Blend.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank St. Petersburg by Kusmi Tea
1908 tasting notes

It’s been awhile since I drank this tea. I dug out the tin because I’m sending soem to Wombatgirl, so I figured I’d have some while I was at it.

My initially assessment of the tea was pretty accurate as it turns out. This mostly tastes like an earl grey – I can taste the pungency of the bergamot and maybe some other citrus fruit, and I can pick up the vanilla notes now that I added a splash of skim milk to my tea. But as for the caramel and red fruits? Sorry, no dice. Maybe I need to steep it longer.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank St. Petersburg by Kusmi Tea
1908 tasting notes

The dry tea smells like a straight earl grey, the pungently citrus scent of bergamot pretty much all I could smell. When the water was poured it a sweeter, more berry like quality came through.

To me the tea still tastes mostly like an earl grey tea, although the bergamot is sweeter and there’s a bit of a smoother, creamy quality to it. As it cooled I also caught hint of the red fruits but I didn’t really taste much caramel – I could smell it but my tongue just wasn’t catching it.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Prince Vladimir by Kusmi Tea
93 tasting notes

The color of the tea is so dark orange that its almost brown.

It smells of fruit, citrus, vanilla, carmell, candy and spice like… pepper?
It taste sweet and spicey.
It had a weird aftertaste though – smookey and salty.
Weird because the smell indicate something else intirely.

…A very smooth tea. Does it ever get bitter?
Was a little suprised about the taste. I had a feeling that if I stripped this tea of all the aromas, I would end up with a tea that tasted like St. Petersburg. And if I stripped the tea from the blend itself, I would wind up with a chai tea and a bublegum.


When making this, a small amount of tea and short steeping time gives the best result.
That is – if you prefer a sweet tea. If you like all the smookey spicey part, be generous ;)

3 min, 0 sec

I think this tea just doesn’t get bitter…
I can say that their Detox doesn’t get bitter!! (I steeped it for about 12 hours)

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Interesting…not for the faint of heart (perhaps for the faint of smell, though) Luckily I’m accustomed to the smell of edible seaweed, but it isn’t my favorite aroma. The taste of this tea is fine, not over-powered by the seaweed. I like the idea that it might have some good antioxidant properties (how much? I don’t know, really, but I’m all up for placebo effect too). Loving the cloth teabag!

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 45 sec

Must try!

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I had this tea for the first time in Paris of all places (!!), and I don’t know if it was the overall Paris experience that sent me over the edge, but this tea is so perfect. The packaging is so well designed too! I’d never tasted any thing like it, and indeed, it is wonderful on its own or with a small dash of cream and honey. The citrus, vanilla, and bergamot blend together beautifully. I can imagine drinking this both in winter and summertime. Finally found a loose leaf tin for a reasonable price at Monsieur Marcel’s at The Grove in Hollywood, CA. Thank you Kusmi!

4 min, 45 sec

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drank St. Petersburg by Kusmi Tea
80 tasting notes

Trying this one again this evening… There isn’t the opening tang of bergamot present but what I do find as I smell the dried leaves is a berry or dark cherry perhaps? I’m not one for the caramel note but I am secure in the soothing characteristics of vanilla.
I let it steep for 4.5 to 5 minutes as I was desirous of a dark tea this evening. Feeling overwhelmed at the moment and moody… this might fit the bill. The addition of milk was a perfect touch and yet it doesn’t mask the bergamot and citrus notes fully.

There is much to say on this cup but I will leave off for the moment. The grumpies have got me and if I smoked tonight would be a two cigarette or fine cigar sort of night. I mean it no injustice as this is a very handsome tea. Ciao

5 min, 0 sec

There’s not vanilla in St. Petersburg.

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drank St. Petersburg by Kusmi Tea
80 tasting notes

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drank Earl Grey by Kusmi Tea
16 tasting notes

If you look at the ingredients on the side of the cannister of many of the Kusmi flavored black tea blends you may be surprised to note that a large number of them read as “Earl Grey” + some additional ingredients. I’m no expert, but I take this to mean that Kusmi likes to use their Earl Grey as a base for many of their blends. Given that I love Earl Grey and I also love Kusmi teas I ordered this with high expectations. I’m sad to say this was a big letdown. Its not a bad Earl Grey, its just that the bergamot is so mild you can barely taste it. In fact to my palate this tea came across as almost bland! I suppose this is to be expected of Kusmi, because they seldom make tea with overpowering flavors, I just found it disappointing. Because of its mediocrity (but non-badness) I have to rate this one right down the middle.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

You can find a wide range of earl grey teas blend at Kusmi (Earl Grey Intense, Earl Grey Polish Blend #18, Smoky Earl grey, Troika, Anastasia (one of Kusmi Tea’s signature flavors, captivates with its subtle combination of black teas, bergamot, lemon and orange blossom)…


Hi Martin. Yes I have actually tried all those flavors (except the Earl Grey Intense). I think I even reviewed a few of them here. With this review I was referring specially to the pure Earl Grey, not other flavors that use it as a base with additional flavors. I just find their standard Earl Grey a bit bland. I should try the Intense and see if it changes my opinion.

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drank St. Petersburg by Kusmi Tea
16 tasting notes

This is a downright yummy tea from Kusmi. I like to call this a “dessert tea” becaus thats just what it reminds me of, dessert. When sugar and milk are added it has a taste similar to fruit dipped in caramel. This is a great tea to serve to guests after a meal.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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As of writing this I have two teas that are tied for the honor of “my favorite breakfast tea”. One is the Irish Breakfast from Adagio, the second is this one. The leaves have a rich earthy aroma with just a hint of smoke that can be a real eye-opener early in the morning. After steeping the brew has a nice dark color with a rich malty taste that really helps to fire up the senses and kick-start your day. If you like a rich full-bodied tea with complexity to use as a coffee replacement in the morning, you should give this one a try!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Drinking strong black teas like this in the morning is just the best way to start a day!
I always add a splash of milk to strong black tea, but no sugar. I generally don’t add sugar to tea.

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This was a pretty decent holiday blend. I guess I was expecting a stronger taste of “holiday spice” (cinamon, nutmeg, etc), but this came across really mild to me (which I suppose is something I’ve come to expect from Kusmi). On their website the description for this tea says it “tastes like a Christmas cake”, and I think its a very apt description. This does taste like a Christmas cake (specifically it reminds me of a fruitcake). If you like the idea of a tea that tastes similar to a holiday fruitcake, then this is the tea for you. I personally found it to be a good but not outstanding blend. I may reorder this at Christmas time just for the novelty of it one year, but I don’t consider this good enough to become a holiday tradition at my home.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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I got a sample on this Russian Evening because I was looking for a good decaffeinated “plain tea” (just tea, with no fancy flavoring) to drink at night before I go to bed. I’m a big fan of the Russian Morning by Kusmi, so I was hoping for a similar experience from this. I’m sorry to say I was very disappointed by this blend. I hate to be harsh, but to my palate this came across as a mix of Darjeeling and Ceylon that had been over-steeped, re-dried and re-packaged. Again, I hate to be harsh (because I am such a big fan of Kusmi) but this tea just did not work for me at all.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Four Red Fruits by Kusmi Tea
16 tasting notes

One of my favorite “fruit tea” flavors is currant. Seeing the red currant in this really drew me in so I gave it a try. The best part about this tea is the flavors of the “4 fruits” are an excellent compliment to one another but to me the currant essence stands out above the rest. Also like most Kusmi teas the “flavoring” or “essence” (in this case) is toned down and pairs up with the signature “smoothness” of the Kusmi black Chinese tea quite nicely. The end result is nice toned-down “fruit tea” that does not fall into the “tastes like kool-aid” trap that bogs down many other fruit-flavored teas. Highly recommended!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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I’m not a big green tea drinker, but I am a sucker for gunpowder green tea + spearmint. Something about the combination of that “vegetable green” taste and mint just soothes me. The low stimulant factor makes it a great nighttime tea too. For two years I purchased Moroccan Mint from Teavana to satisfy my gunpowder green + spearmint cravings. Kusmi included a sample of this in one of my orders and one taste had me hooked. I tossed out the Teavana blend in favor of this and never looked back!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Kashmir Tchai by Kusmi Tea
16 tasting notes

This is a decent Chai, just not outstanding. It has the signature “smoothness” of a Kusmi tea and that could be one reason I can’t rate this one higher. That smooth lack of tannin I love so much in other Kusmi teas does not seem to serve this one well. I like my Chai’s bond, sassy and full of flavor. This one was just a bit too subdued for my tastes (it almost seemed bland by comparison to other Chai’s I’ve had). If a smooth and mild Chai is your thing though, this is the tea for you!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Anastasia by Kusmi Tea
16 tasting notes

This one I have to ride the fence on. I’m still not sure if I really like it or not! The first time I brewed a pot I was really put off by the sheer strength of the “citrus” smell. I put the word “citrus” in quotes because the smell is clearly “citrus” in nature, but not one of the citrus essences used in the tea (bergamot, lemon, lime and orange blossom) really stands out above the rest. Instead I was left with with an aroma is so complex, it wound up reminding me of some sort of cheap citrus-based furniture polish or floor cleaner (harsh, but true). Normally teas using some form of citrus as flavoring are my favorite, so I had high hopes for this one and maybe that was its undoing. What saved this from being a total disaster for me was I wound up getting a pretty nasty cold the week after this arrived. Being a hardcore tea-drinker I like to whip up a black tea with honey and lemon when I get the sniffles. Since this one already had MAJOR citrus content anyway, and I did not want it to go to waste I just brewed up a pot and added some honey + milk. It wound up doing such a good job soothing me when was ill it has now become a staple at my house for when allergies and viruses attack!!! So I hate to say this is a great “sick-time” tea, but for me that’s exactly what it has become. So if you’re sick or just a huge fan of strong (yet unidentifiable) citrus flavors in your tea, give this one a shot.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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