Hito to No, Shizen wo Tsunagu Kai

Recent Tasting Notes


ITFA Global Tea Taster’s Club August Shipment :) YAY!!!

The Aroma Pre-Infusion: Specialty Lettuce with sweet corn and maybe butter beans
Aroma Post-Infusion: more lima bean like

Color: Creamy light yellow-green

Taste: melodiously-tasteful! Sweet, Crisp, and Refreshing!

Thumbs up!

mx-dot-ykv 13 years ago

This sounds DELICIOUS. Mmmm…

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Today, I brewed this a little stronger than I did yesterday (added more leaf). I like it both ways. This time around though, I am picking up more astringency than I did with the light infusion. The astringency is tangy and is a nice contrast to the sweetness of the tea.

This tea is wonderful whichever way it’s brewed, and it submits several delicious infusions. A really wonderful Japanese offering. My full-length review of this tea will be on SororiTea Sisters within the next day or two.

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This tea is part of the ITFA Global Tea Taster’s Club August Shipment. I brewed this first cup on the light side and it is quite wonderful, but I think it might be better with a little more leaf. As it is, it is light, crisp and refreshing. Sweet and not as astringent as the description lead me to believe it would be.

I like this, but I am going to hold off rating it until I’ve had some more time with it.

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