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drank Mango Passion by Ghostea
16358 tasting notes

Last of these popping boba drinks that I tried.

This was the least tangy/acidic of the three which surprised me given the tropical fruit direction. It was still incredibly sweet though. I’d say much more of a mango taste over passionfruit. I couldn’t tell if the popping boba themselves were different flavours, they all just tasted vaguely tropical to me.

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drank Blue Raspberry by Ghostea
16358 tasting notes

Of the three flavours I tried from Ghostea, I expected this to be the sweetest and it was actually probably the least sweet. I mean, still pretty sweet but it wasn’t the cloying syrupy flavour I’d braced myself for. Otherwise, it does taste pretty much exactly like you’d expect a blue raspberry drink to taste like. Very typical commercial blue raspberry candy flavour. Just a little bit of acidity, but more from the popping boba themselves and less from the “tea”. Like the other drinks, the boba were hard to distribute while drinking from the bottle.

It’s the only one of the three I might consider buying again. Probably only in a pinch as a soda alternative, though…

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drank Funky Peach by Ghostea
16358 tasting notes

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ve been just seeing so many RTDs with either tapioca pearl or popping boba inclusions pop up at different grocery stores in my area. The most recent one I’ve discovered is this company “Ghostea” so, of course, I had to try each flavour…

This was incredibly sweet and syrupy. A bit like a flat soda. However, once I got used to the fact it was so intense tasting I enjoyed it a little more. The flavour was very strongly peach candy in a really direct, pure play kind of way. Just a little bit of tang/acidity as well, which amplified that comparison because it was so much like fuzzy peaches.

The popping boba (also peach flavoured) really sunk to the bottom and, even after swirling the bottle as recommended on the packaging, it was tough to get any up until the last quarter of the drink which was basically only boba. All three flavours I tried were like that and I didn’t love the experience.

Glad I tried this, wouldn’t buy again though.

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