George Cannon

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Not quite sure how this one came my way. I remember tart/sour and I remember a roastier sort of oolong.

Thank you to the person who passed it along for me to try. This blend of flavours is not really working for me.

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drank Dong Ding by George Cannon
2 tasting notes

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Flavors: Butter, Chestnut, Flowers, Nutty, Roasted, Roasted Nuts

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

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drank Gyokuro by George Cannon
2 tasting notes

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Flavors: Hazelnut, Herbaceous, Nutty, Parsley, Spinach, Vegetal

140 °F / 60 °C 1 min, 0 sec 5 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

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Made this as an eggnog latte with a marshmallow drink topper and though the marshmallow and eggnog are contributing a great deal of sweetness to help bring out the vanilla, the creamy orange is the finishing star of each sip. It’s lovely though I don’t know if I need to have it again. This one cup can make for a nice little fling that’s fun while it lasted and will be fondly remembered. Thank you Sil for the share!

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Sipdown (140)!

Well, I can definitely say that this one is A LOT better hot.

While I’m still getting the same sour grass notes and buttery flavour I disliked so immensely in the hot cup, they aren’t anywhere near as intense and are mostly masked by much more pleasant fruit flavours. For example, there’s a red fruit sweetness that I’m sure is the goji and rosehip and the finish has a lovely floral and fresh orange note.

There’s probably no future where I would seek this out again after the initial awful introduction to it – but at least I’m finishing this off in a way where I’m neither dumping it out or gagging. That’s a win.

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Thank you VariaTEA for the sample!

I was pretty sure I’d tried this one before, but looks like this is my first tasting. I must be mixing up the name with one of the many other French teas I’ve had the fortune of trying.

I cold brewed this one, but I kind of regret doing so because I really, really didn’t like it. I had an impossible time getting over the intensely buttery oolong that engulfed each sip paired with this really off putting sour note at the finish of the sip. Most of this got pitched, honestly. I think hot prep would have been better; I doubt it would have drawn out the same level of nasty from the base. But I guess I wont know until I put that theory to test; it may be a while though…

I need to forget this experience/distance myself from it first.

Flavors: Butter, Grass, Sour

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So I don’t think I know what 1/2 the ingredients are in this tea but what I do know is it tastes like oolong and not much else. I suppose that is okay for some but I am just not a lover of oolong so I am thinking this is probably not for me. Still, it is always fun to try new things so thank you Sil for the opportunity!

Now back to studying…kill me now :(

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GCTTB5 box#2

This was a pleasant cup of subtle orange black tea. I found a hint of spice in the background—the cardamom I guess.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank étoile des neiges by George Cannon
15575 tasting notes

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drank étoile des neiges by George Cannon
15575 tasting notes

pulled this one out today to try since it’s been a while. Was blown away by the orange smell of the dry leaf. Brewed it’s a creamy orange black tea – i suspect the vanilla is softening the orange flavour. It’s quite tasty and very much seems to me like something that should be had when there’s snow on the ground – a cool winter evening, where the stars have started to come out and there’s a fresh light snow falling.


i have lots for you to try some of this eventually hahaha

Terri HarpLady

sound good…eventually!

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drank étoile des neiges by George Cannon
15575 tasting notes

Pulled this one out to try. I had picked this one up because it had a really nice orange smell to the dry leaf. Sadly brewed, this doesn’t taste like much, so next time i’ll try a 5 min steep.

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drank Nuit D'hiver by George Cannon
15575 tasting notes

all gone! one more paris tea vanishes from my cupboard, though i still have a TON left. I enjoyed this one, though funnily enough there were times i wanted less caramelish taste and more fruit. But that’s mostly ‘cause it’s hot. soooo hot.

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drank Nuit D'hiver by George Cannon
15575 tasting notes

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drank Nuit D'hiver by George Cannon
15575 tasting notes

20 away from my sipdown goal that i was aiming to get to by the end of august, but i’m making progress – last month i was 27 away heh. So there’s still hope that i can wrap things up by the end of the year, which is really all that matters anyway. I ended august at 90, which is still pretty good considering unplanned paris shopping splurges and butiki closing.

This one is from paris and i am still loving it. I’m nearly through the bag and that’s alright because i have a few other fruit teas that i can drink if this awful heat carries on in to september. Here’s hoping for a cooler day in EIGHTEEN DAYS though… even if it’s just for that one day :)


good job! Today I just finished the last bit of a cheaper jasmine tea I’ve been slowly using up over many months, so I feel accomplished along with you :).

I’m with you about the fruit teas. Even though the heat isn’t as bad anymore where I live, I still want a pitcher of iced herbal fruit tea in my fridge at all times. My sipdowns for fruit teas have declined since my husband and I aren’t drinking a pitcher a day of the stuff anymore, but progress will still be made ;)


Awesome!! You are my hero!

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drank Nuit D'hiver by George Cannon
15575 tasting notes

it is pouring outside right now. So happy i’m inside the house…warm. watching the rain come down..drinking tea…relaxing. so nice. this is like a taste of summer while the weather turns to fall :)

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drank Nuit D'hiver by George Cannon
15575 tasting notes

Noms. I really should remember to update this tea when i’m back in toronto. I have the brochure from george cannon but forgot to do it when i added them to the database. This is a nice sweet fruit tea. Not much else to say about’s tasty.

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drank Nuit D'hiver by George Cannon
15575 tasting notes

Another tea from earlier today – this one as a cold brew. Interesting blend of fruitiness, blending with vanilla. I can’t decide if i like this better hot or cold, but both are pretty darn tasty, especially if you’re looking for something a little different than the usual fruit tea.

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drank Nuit D'hiver by George Cannon
15575 tasting notes

yay for fruit teas when the weather explodes. Though i did drink this hot haha. still enjoying the fruity, caramel like notes in this one. Thankful that i have at least a few fruit teas in my cupboard.

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drank Nuit D'hiver by George Cannon
15575 tasting notes

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drank Nuit D'hiver by George Cannon
15575 tasting notes

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drank Nuit D'hiver by George Cannon
15575 tasting notes

yay for engagement pics, wedding shoes and things starting to finally come together. One more thing off the list, so things are going well. This tea is becoming my go to work tea when i want something a little fruity but also richer than a straight up fruit tea. Enter…caramel fruit tea lol loving it!


You go, girl!

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drank Nuit D'hiver by George Cannon
15575 tasting notes

this tea is growing on me more every time i have it. Hibiscus yet, but the other flavours mute the sour enough that i don’t NEED to add sugar..but when i do, it’s even more delicious! creamy fruity caramel yum.

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