These pearls are beautiful and smell exquisite… I wish I liked them! :( I am already not a huge fan of black tea, and the flavor of this one was an overwhelmingly earthy and too bitter. (I’m not very good at describing it.) I was hoping the jasmine would soften the flavor, but the earthiness was too intense. I couldn’t finish the cup and gave it to my husband to drink instead. He said it was drinkable but not great (his taste buds and sense of smell are less sensitive than mine, so he can handle bitter tastes—like red wine—better than I can).
(Sample from silentrequiem! Thanks!)
Because these are so expensive, I’ll return the rest of the sample to you. But first I’m waiting to get more of Teavana’s white chocolate peppermint so I can send you some of that!
Aw sad! I love these. Oh well, more for me. :)
Because these are so expensive, I’ll return the rest of the sample to you. But first I’m waiting to get more of Teavana’s white chocolate peppermint so I can send you some of that!
(assuming you like peppermint and white chocolate, of course)