I started drinking tea in spring of 2017 in an effort to reduce my coffee/pop consumption while getting some of the benefits from tea. I’m still just exploring various teas and trying to figure out what I like most.
I’m far from a tea connaisseur/enthusiast. My notes are not meant to be a review for the tea community, but rather for myself so I know what to buy or not buy again (I wish there was a way to keep notes private).
That being said, I’ll try to stick to these guidelines when I rate teas (copied from Kittenna):
100: This tea is amazing and I will go out of my way to keep it in stock.
85-99: My core collection (or a tea that would be, if I was allowing myself to restock everything!) Teas I get cravings for, and drink often.
75-84: Good but not amazing; I might keep these in stock sparingly depending on current preferences.
67-74: Not bad, I’ll happily finish what I have but probably won’t ever buy it again as there’s likely something rated more highly that I prefer.
51-66: Drinkable and maybe has some aspect that I like, but not really worth picking up again.
34-50: Not for me, but I can see why others might like it. I’ll make it through the cup and maybe experiment with the rest to get rid of it.
0-33: It’s a struggle to get through the cup, if I do at all. I will not willingly consume this one again, and will attempt to get rid of the rest of the tea if I have any left.
Gatineau, QC
Agreed completely! I’m not a HUGE tea fan (but I’m trying to drink more kinds) and I’d love to be able to keep reviews private for myself for the future. This tea tasted like grandmothers flowery perfume to me! :( Now I have to decide what to do with a can of tea I don’t want.