This is truly, actually a floral elixir. One of my favourite relaxing teas, The Glow has all the apple-cinnamon-y goodness of Forever Nuts but without the somewhat artificial-tasting baked goods flavouring. I can taste the cinnamon first and foremost, with the oat straw and the nettle leaf lurking somewhere underneath. If I REALLY try, I can taste the earthy sweetness of the rooibos – But I can’t see it, and it seems to be easily lost in this mix. I use this tea not only to relax but also to help with my allergies – the nettle leaf in it is supposed to be really good, and it definitely takes away some of the itchiness I get in my throat.
I can drink this one day and night, and often do – though my rating may be biased because I love floral teas and I love cinnamon, don’t be scared to give it a try! It truly is a beautiful blend.
8 min or more
did this do anything for ur skin complextion or your mood?
@crazy4u It has lots of depression fighting ingredients – just not sure how well it works at the concentrations that exist