The liquor is medium bodied and has a very nice dark burgundy colour. Leaves’ smell is predominately reminiscent of prunes, but there are notes of peat, blueberry pie and in later steeps some smokiness as well. I could also identify some mushroom aroma in the liquor itself.
The taste has nice coffee bitterness and is quite varied. Up front, it’s mostly sour. The finish is fairly sweet, but then the aftertaste becomes somewhat savoury. The later steeps become even more sweet and nutty (walnuts and brasil nuts).
The mouthfeel is slightly mouth-watering, powdery and coats the mouth quite well. There is a little bit of astringency too. The cha qi is warming and seems to defocus the mind, probably better for relaxing than working.
Flavors: Blueberry, Brandy, Dark Bittersweet, Mushrooms, Nuts, Peat, Pleasantly Sour, Plum, Smoke, Sweet, Walnut