I was surprised by the lightness of this pu erh. Being a huge fan of pu erh in general I was expecting something a lot heavier and darker in taste. Despite that, it still gave me the same calm, mellow feeling that allows accompanies drinking pu erh for me. So it’s different, but not bad at all.
The scent is mildly earthy and only noticeable at all in the midst of sipping.
The color is incredibly dark, especially since I tend to steep my pu erhs for 7-8 minutes. Like someone else has already said, the first steeping struck me as very ‘coffeeish.’
Once again, the taste was a bit too light for my expectations. It still has the hints of earth and dirt, but not enough for me to grab if I want a true pu erh.
It’s a great tea if I want something lighter on the palate with the same smooth, mellow affect.