I have a sentiment for ailao, since it was my first positive experience with young Sheng.
Nowdays I find the ailao taste rather un-exciting, but not necessarily in bad way, since there is some calming quality in the ailao experiance as a whole.. It’s hard to explain, but a good ailao just feels right, like it’s balanced..
So I was happy to hear about Scott releasing his “highest grade” ailao to date, especially since I’ve had a previous offering from him and it was a very pleasant.
I was even more happy to drink it since it was the best ailao I’ve had.
It was also not too expensive, which led to it selling out quite fast.
Regardless of that I’d still recommend trying it out, especially to people who want to check out the ailao taste. There is an autumn version up now, too.
To criticize this tea, it didn’t last as long as I’ve would’ve wanted.. but that’s a common problem at this price range.