I grew up drinking Tetley Tea, and still make sure I have lots of it on hand. I have never been able to brew a cup as good as my Mother’s however; mine always seem too strong. To this day, when she offers me a cup of “tea the way it should be”, I can scarcely refuse.
I seem to have done decently on today’s cup. I was in need of a nice, hot beverage because of a mild cold I have picked up, and Tetley turned out to be a good choice. Its warming effect definitely soothed the symptoms! I also managed to find the right balance of milk and sugar.
Today’s Tetley was just right. It was warm, sweet, and flavourful, with no bitterness, even in the aftertaste! I find that if brewed for for a slightly shorter time it makes a more well-balanced cup. It does not take long to overbrew Tetley, resulting in quite a strong cup indeed.
Tetley is a staple for me, something that epitomizes “tea”.
Recommended for those who just want “tea”, plain and simple.