This tin has been at work with me for a while, but I don’t remember drinking a cup more than twice, and I have no real recollection of the flavour or what I thought of it. High tine for a revisit, then! I used 1 tsp of leaf, and gave it 2.5 minutes in water cooled to around 180 degrees. The resulting liquor is a fairly bright yellow, and smells mildly citrussy.
To taste, it’s a whole ‘nother story. Lemon cream! I’m finding it hard to believe that I can’t remember my last cup of this one, because it’s so lovely that surely I would? Apparently not. It reminds me most of 52Teas Sun and Cloud Mist, which was a lemon cream tea that I absolutely loved. If I recall correctly, this one might even be a little stronger on the creaminess than that one was. Sipping on this is putting me in mind of a huge lemon sponge coated in light, fluffy vanilla buttercream. A dessert replacement if ever there was one!
The green tea base is smooth and unobtrusive, and the flavours really shine through. My only complaint is that the lemon is candy-like and a little tart. I could probably take a tad more sharpness with all the creamy sweetness, but it’s so great I can’t say I’m all that concerned. This is lemon cream in tea form. It’s ace! I can say with absolute certainty that this is definitely a tea that will no longer be neglected. Here’s to many happy cups ahead!
Isn’t it just grand rediscovering great teas in your own cupboard? Score!