Leaf: These are beautiful twists of gold.
Water: Below boiling, small bubbles were formed on the bottom of the kettle, and on about half of the surface area, the bubbles were releasing.
Amount: Whoops, I overpoured and ended up using the whole 7g sample for 8 oz of water.
First steeping:
3 minutes: The tea is a deep reddish brown. It has a bright flavor, though it’s slightly acidic. After sipping the first half of the cup, I forgot about it, and it cooled to room temperature, and wow. It is really thick and creamy and malty. Fantastic.
Second steeping:
5 minutes: Again, the tea is a dark, reddish brown. However, it must have not had a very significant taste, because I didn’t have any notes on it. Maybe I was still too blown away by the cold tea.