

I’m 22 and I’ve been drinking tea like an addict for quite a long time. It’s only been in the past few years that I’ve really gotten into loose teas, though – they used to seem like too much effort for every day drinking, so they would only be a very occasional indulgence.

The bulk of my teas tend to be flavoured blacks, Earl Grey being my staple. I drink certain types of tea ‘black’, while I drink others with varying amounts of milk and/or sugar. I’m not a one-way-fits-all kind of girl; different types of tea need to be treated differently.

Some people give different meanings to certain rating grades, so here’s a guideline for how mine work.

90-100: Delicious. Teas that I will always have stocked in my house. Quality tea with great flavour.

80-89: Tasty. Teas that will show up in my cupboard every now and then, or quality teas that may just not be my cup of tea. (Is it weird to use that saying when actually referring to tea?)

65-79: Drinkable. Teas worth trying if available, usually something with a unique or interesting flavour but isn’t amazing, or decent teas without any outstanding characteristics that are good for having around when guests who just like a simple cup of tea with dessert are over.

50-64: Tolerable. I’ll drink it if offered to me, but you probably won’t find it in my house.

26-49: Meh. Poor tea or tea with not a very good taste, but I can see how others may drink it. If it’s the only option and I’m really desperate for a cuppa, I will drink it.

0-25: Ew. How can anyone drink this?

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