This is a fairly nice tea. I liked the combination of flavours — maté, cocoa, chicory, raspberry. I couldn’t taste the almonds, although I saw the big almond slices in the mix. As others have mentioned, there’s some other, indefinable taste that I don’t really like much, and I would have to attribute that taste to the “artificial flavour”. (It doesn’t taste like banana to me.) And to me, the tea tastes SALTY, although they don’t name “salt” in the ingredients.
When I’m done with the small amounts of various teas I’ve bought from David’s, I will be careful to avoid anything with artificial flavour. If I want artificial flavour, I’ll go eat some junk food or drink some soda. I really want to know WHAT IT IS that I’m tasting, and I don’t want it to come from a lab. To me, it’s like cheating to put in artificial flavouring, and it puts me off David’s in general, as only a minority of their teas are made without that. Bah.
(P.S. – Actually, to be fair, I’m not sure about which kind of ‘minority’ it is. I went in looking for flavoured teas w/o artificial flavouring, and there weren’t all that many.)