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Heya :-)

I’m Oliver aka Mr Tea.

I am a 25 year old tea enthusiast, entrepreneur, accountant and Triathlete.

Socialising with new faces and talking to like minded people on forums is what I love.

I have been experimenting with tea for years and said one day “screw it” after a deep session of meditation at my local temple. I decided to found my own company called Lovely Tea Teas where I could write about one of my passions and to persuade people in drinking good tea again!

Growing up in the UK I was brought up with good old fashioned PG Tips and for many of my other friends & family, they would have been enjoying the fine tastes of traditional English Breakfast.

If it was not for my child like curiosity I am sure I would have stayed as a standard tea drinker. This is why I want to make it my goal to interest people in different tea types. I believe there is a tea for all acquired tastes.

Besides from tea drinking all day everyday you can either see me in the pool, cycling through the countryside or running through the streets. If you cannot find me I maybe at work or sleeping so would greatly express my gratitude if you made me a tea :-)




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