I’ve only just discovered your site and this is the tea I happen to have in front of me now. It’s perfect for drinking at work while I’m at my desk – as its light and refreshing and has a lovely perfumed aroma of roses and mint. When I’ve finished my drink and left the tea dregs in the cup I can still smell the aroma – so it also makes my desk area smell fragrant and zingy. I also recommend Sahara as a drink with food – especially middle-eastern foods, salads and lunchtime sandwiches. Although it has a summery smell – I drink it year round. Its good with honey – but I drink it generally without. I either use a teapot or a teaspoon-strainer that sits in the cup. Its economical to use as I dont need much to make a good drink (level teaspoon) and even when its left to steep a while or left to get cold its still lovely. Also makes lovely iced tea. Highly recommended.
205 °F / 96 °C
2 min, 0 sec