1 Tasting Note


Jasmine Sampler – iteaworld.com – Full Review

Suzanne Neeley

“They say” is a most dangerous phrase in the English language. Regardless of the topic, I believe it is always best to experience for oneself the subject of discussion, whether it is a person, place, or thing of art. This is especially true of tea, no matter what country in which it is grown. There are times when you least expect it, you can experience even for just a moment, the fragrance, the taste, and the essence of that country. Sometimes, all at once.

I am grateful to Jelina Gill and iteaworld for just such an experience. I was not disappointed. I have tasted and tested each tea in the new Jasmine sampler, and it is not just a feast for the tasting but an experience of sight, and fragrance, and soul as well. Each of the teas in the sampler is scented multiple times to enhance not only the taste, the flavor, but the experience of the tea itself. There are few competitors who will actually disclose the method and multiples of scenting yet iteaworld does, and not only that, but the experience you receive backs it up in full.

Most supermarket brands of Jasmine tea are artificially perfumed, which is not only harmful to the health but can also damage your taste buds. It is chemically oriented. But not this – this is bliss in a bag from iteaworld.

By adhering to the instructions on each package (which can vary, and it is best to do so) you will get the experience of the tea.

I used a one-rinse steep before the actual tasting (mainly so that I can get to the best part) which also resulted in a fuller tasting experience. “Jumping in with both feet” so to speak.

The kit is beautifully packaged and sorted, with complimentary silk teabags if that is your preference. I use gong fu method so I did not use them, but they will come in handy for my own use, in herbal tisanes. Thank you iteaworld for that unexpected gift!

I also liked the way the kit is organized, in rows, with beautifully designed cards between each section. It says, “Sip bitter sweetness; tea is so and so are people.” A good reminder for us all in a post-Covid near apocalyptic world that seems to spin faster and faster as we age.

I have problems with my hands, so I found the packages very difficult to open without spilling the tea. I found that scissors work best with these packs. Just be careful not to cut the leaves inside.

You can check it out for yourself at https://iteaworld.com/products/chinese-jasmine-tea.

Jasmine Mao Jian

Great introduction at the first sip, and quickly envelops the mouth. A slight astringency that is fairly signature of true Jasmine tea. It isn’t harsh and doesn’t try to compete for attention. It’s a gentle wave rather than a frantic change of tide. This tea will delight those who enjoy a lighter scent and taste. It is not heavy handed, and fully engages you in the experience of being in a truly blissful garden, wherever you may live.

The light grasses of summer, in the wintertime, will soothe the ache in your neck, and the gentle floral surrounding the substantial tea leaves, which are strong and neat, with variegated color. By the second cup you will be wondering why you have wasted so much money at the supermarket over the years.

The second and third steeps will reveal notes of light fruit and accompanied by its signature floral, is the perfect blend. It is consistent and a lovely tea all-round for those who like me, want to be there, but can’t.

Jasmine Bai Hao

The fragrance is unbelievably natural and strong as soon as you open the envelope. It is a needle-like tea with a beautiful presentation of varied colors. I thought I was in a scented bath for a moment. It is a true Jasmine fragrance! I don’t know how they got it in there, but I’m glad they did! I really felt a bit sleepy afterward and so I know I can use this as a nightcap before bedtime and I won’t stay awake but will float off.

This acts more like a white tea, and it is very gentle on the stomach and the mouth. Color is perfect – a very pale gold, which is very satisfying after a hard day at work. I’m very excited about this one because I have been looking for something for evening time, and this perfectly fits the bill. It is still as robust as any of the top competitors and holds its own in a saturated market. This is a tea to savor at the end of the day, and let your mind wander, while you fall asleep in a favorite chair. (Sign me up, please for a pound of this!)

Color, brilliance, and taste are fully consistent from steep to steep, from cup to cup. This is a winner for all seasons. The Jasmine Bai Hao is by far my favorite of the four.

Jasmine Zhen Wang

Once again, it has a needle-like appearance and during the first steep begins to act like a white tea, although of course, it is green. The fragrance is a lot more subtle on this tea, and so it would be a favorite for those who do not like heavy fragrance. I have a perfumer’s nose (a former occupation) and so I easily pick out orange blossom as well as jasmine, although of course, the jasmine is the base layer which doesn’t fade. It is spiced jasmine, if I may say so, and it’s subtle and complex.

The taste is light, and floral, and again, behaving very much like a white tea. I enjoyed the third steep of this the most. Like many of my personality type, I will say that if there is one absolute certainty in life, it is that there are no absolutes. I enjoyed this tea! I feel strongly that the taste is consistent from steep to steep and not too heavily reliant on the grasses for flavor. My second favorite! A great go-to for bedtime.

Jasmine Bi Luo Chun

This is by far the most traditional of the four in this sampler. Astringency is high on the first steep, and some may find that bitter. But it is worth the wait if you go to the second and third steep. Smoothing out nicely, the tea, which is a bright yellow, takes on a far more subtle flavor with notes of yes, the grasses, and vegetal, but also the jasmine floral itself. For the purist, this is it. Those who enjoy the high greens, will love this tea.

It is what many expect out of a high-quality jasmine. Scented three times in the most natural way, with no added perfumes, it is a lovely fragrance to carry you through your day, as well as your teatime.

In all, my favorites may not be yours, but I do plan to order them individually. This is a fantastic sampler, with a great introduction to both the history of these teas and their importance in Chinese culture, as well as the necessary qualities to make it a daily drink for many.

Final thoughts: If you have enjoyed this review, and I hope you have, please give it a thumbs up, and check out iteaworld, at https://iteaworld.com/products/chinese-jasmine-tea.

175 °F / 79 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 200 OZ / 5914 ML

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