drank Decaf Crème Caramel by Stash Tea
16 tasting notes

Fall struck today and I busted out the comfy sweater, switched on my therapy light to sit under and brewed up this tea. I wanted something comforting and sweet. I don’t know how this tea made its way into my cupboard as I don’t remember buying it but who am I to turn down the magic tea cupboard gifts.

Mine was bagged and I made it sweet and milky. I was just really searching for a sweet caramel flavour and this served its purpose. I actually prefer this over another creme de caramel roobios that I own which is much more costly. It is just a good basic tea for when you have a chill on and want something sugary to get your heat on.

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I’m probably considered a heathen by true tea afficienados. I tend to accidentally over-boil and put too much milk in all my tea. I seem to land in the black tea/earl grey category when it comes to favourites but am trying to branch out. Living in a small town I can only experience non-bagged tea via online shopping which sucks to say the least and I’m always on the look out for a good store. Drop me a line about one if you have an idea. Bonus points if Canadian. :)


Vancouver Island, Canada

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