58 Tasting Notes
I got this as a sample in my last order from Davids Tea. I enjoy the fruity (mango) smell and I usually don’t like mangos…although I always try it again just to see…but it sure isn’t my fruit of choice…blegh. The tea though is nice.
The first steeping had alot of fruity flavor although I could tell at the end a bit of artificalness to it. The second steeping I could smell more of a grassiness to the tea and alot more of the mango flavor came out while the others were non existent. It was VERY astringent BUT that’s b/c I set it down here at work and had to go do other things so that’s pry why.Preparation
This blend isn’t too bad. It smells lovely…like pomegranates. Once brewed I get a vague smell of cotton candy of all things! Even the first intial sips taste like cotton candy. I can taste the black tea. There’s a nice balance of fruitiness and black tea. The fruit kind of lingers on my tounge the longer I let it sit. Perhaps adding sweetener would make it spot on? Perhaps with a future steeping:)
Alright well I did a 2nd steeping. I don’t think pu-erhs are my thing. Tastes just like the 1st steeping…just slightly weaker. I still taste earthy mushrooms, lol.
At least finding out what you like/don’t like is a good thing! Though I recommend trying some flavored pu-erhs, and not ruling them out completely, as some can taste very good and don’t taste as mushroom-y.
The dry leaves smell light and airy…delicate like. Once steeped it has a slight rich earthiness to it. Pretty good but I think I still prefer Assam black as my mainstay.
2nd steeping is pretty good as well…just a little bit lighter then the first.
I’m not sure if pu-erhs are my cup of tea, lol. I just had my first steep of this and it’s VERY earthy. Kind of a weird flavor for a tea…but I haven’t tasted every kind of tea there is to compare. It smells earthy too. After steeping it and waiting a little bit for it to cool off all I can taste is an earthiness and at the end there’s a note of mushrooms. It’s the oddest thing, lol! I’m going to re-steep it later b/c others say it tastes better the 2nd and 3rd go around. Hopefully it’s ok if it sits until tomorrow? Anybody know how re-steeping works? I’m not rating this at this time since I’m not sure how to give it a fair chance until re-steeping.
I had my first cup today…it smells amazing! I could definitely smell the strawberries…the smell ALONE makes me happy:) I could taste the fruitiness mostly once it was brewed. I wish it was a little sweeter (perhaps if they put in stevia leaves in the blend it would make it yummier?) I can’t remember all the fine/little tasting notes of the tea so I’ll keep this review short and SWEET. I’ll increase my rating points by a few for just the smell alone.
The smell of both the dry and brewed leaves are warm and intoxicating! I smell lots of cinnamon and a little something gooey underneath. Once brewed the cinnamon came through sharp and in front. For half that cup it kind of just tasted like cinnamon water but after it cooled down some more I can taste something doughy underneath. I can’t really taste any sweetness (brown sugar or cream cheese) though which is a little disappointing. Overall it tastes pretty good though. Perhaps I should try adding some sweetener to it? Although I don’t like doing that because the teas should speak for themselves:)
I keep thinking about posting guidelines, but really everyone is unique. I think that’s part of the experience of tea is finding that sweet spot for YOU. And everyone kind of has to find it for themselves.
After brewing it seems like this tastes somewhat different then what I remembered a few years ago (that was loose leaf then). I was getting an overwhelming amount of citrus…kinda like lemon. I like the smell better then the taste. The lemon taste kinda seems artificial too me…like a cleaning type of lemon smell:( I’ll have to try it again in the future. Maybe I’m just picky with tea now that I’m trying everything? I would definitely recommend loose leaf style then bagged because it tasted so much better…although it has been a couple years…maybe they’ve changed something? shrugs
I’m not a big fan of this one…I was hoping I would be but it isn’t to my taste. It smells like fig newtons dry (I kinda like that) but after it’s brewed it tastes mostly of rooibos and something else fruity. It’s a little sweet. I’m glad I got to try it though:)