Following 159 Tea Drinkers

Annette S. 19 followers

Love Rose Pouchon & teas from Karl Schmidt in Göttingen, Germany

Tea Vault 42 followers

I’m the tea drinkers dream. I answer your questions and I let you know what’...

GREEN BOAR 79 followers

In the mountains where I roam / I seek for Tea far from home / Drink with m...

takgoti 483 followers

Former coffeeist, turned teaite. Lover of writing, reading, photography, and ...

Pamela Dean 226 followers

Note: I’m open to offers to swap tea samples. If you can’t message me, just c...

Jack 349 followers

Jack of all trades, master of none. Co-creator of the site yer lookin’ at.



Drinking White Tea all day and Frolicking through the streets of NYC. .




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