Very deep fragrance. Smells like burnt sugar (in a good way). Initial steep was for 30 seconds as directed at 205 F. Very light and refreshing taste when stepped for 30 seconds. Hints of brown sugar, very pleasant. I can’t decide if I want the tea stronger, or it is perfect the way it is.
The aromatics are very comforting and inviting.
Second steep was for 2 minutes. Didn’t change the flavor nor the strength. Potentially a first steep would be better longer. I think 1-1:30 minutes might be a better steep. Would need to experiment, but this was from a sample pack.
Update: Tried the tea a second time with a steep time of 1:20 and 3 grams of tea per 8 cups. I love it just as much as before, but think it could have steeped for less time (1 minute is probably the best). The strength at 3 grams is perfect.
Flavors: Brown Sugar, Burnt Sugar, Molasses, Roasted, Wood