drank Kirara Rice Tea by Lupicia
13 tasting notes

One of my favorite compliments to great Japanese food is a really good Genmaicha (玄米茶). Trying to fight off the end of a really bad cold and needing my strength back I made a pot of Japanese Spicy Beef Curry tonight for dinner. Looking for a decent tea to pair with my grub I found a brand new tin of Lupicia Kirara Genmaicha my good friend gave me for Christmas.

Just opening the bag you can tell the aromas are so wonderful. The sweet roasted smell of gemnai (brown rice) and the calming straw or hay fragrance of a middle grade sencha (煎茶).

The taste was pretty good so I did enjoy my three steeps starting out with a 30 sec steep and progressing adding 15 sec each time. It was satisfactory but not mind melting.

Having tasted some of the best genmaicha in Japan I expected a little bit more fullness and roasted flavors especially knowing Lupicia is a major chain in Japan. While not a total disappointment it’s not a superlative worthy genmaicha. It looks as if Lupicia has lowered it’s standards a touch on this one thinking we may not notice the difference. I’ll stick to me omiyage (gifts) from Japan or try some suggestions from my fellow Steepsters.

175 °F / 79 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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