Following 9 Tea Drinkers

DAVIDsTEA 827 followers

Welcome to our Steepster page, where we post sneak peeks, reviews and tasting...

Lisa 25 followers

sarai 36 followers

MA student in Montreal, Victorianist, Tea enthusiast, Whovian, Bluenoser at h...

Daisy Chubb 432 followers

29/f/CAN My favourite tea companies are DavidsTea and Verdant Tea. They pleas...

Tina S. 85 followers

An avid tea addict in the GTA, Ontario, Canada. I’m always looking for new t...

Kay Kanada 28 followers

Age 2 – Stealing sips of orange pekoe from my Grandpa’s cup. Age 4 – Being sp...

Sandra Brassard 7 followers

Tea Lover♥



Been a life long tea drinker and it is rare to find a black tea I do not like.


Winnipeg, MB

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