I’m in school full time this semester and have to take four summer session courses and a full course load next year to graduate in May 2017. On top of this, I need to maintain a 3.75 GPA to get the scholarships I need to support myself in the MA program I’ll be entering in fall of 2017. I. Am. Exhausted. Caffeine is the only thing keeping me going these days. Thank God for this tea.
My mom gifted me this, along with the rest of the Feel-Good collection, for my birthday a couple days ago and I’ve drank almost the whole 25g bag. I love lemon. Seriously, I could drink lemon juice straight, and this tea is soooo lemony. It’s not overwhelmingly tart like pure lemon juice is, but rather soft yet upfront. I also adore the yaupon in this. Why isn’t yaupon everywhere? I’ll never understand.
This tea is the only thing keeping me going through four hours of lectures each day plus reading two books a week and paper writing and all my other out of school activities. I plan on going out tomorrow to pick up at least another 100g. While definitely not for everyone, if you like lemon and earthy teas, this one is a keeper.
Flavors: Earth, Lemon