I managed to resist going into a David’s to check out the summer collection for a few weeks at least.
Last time I was in I’d signed up for their rewards program so I had a free tea coupon. I had the very nice sales girl make me a cup of this iced. I opted to have it plain with no sweetener.
Holy wow was this ever delicious! I was sharing this with my boyfriend but after he had a sip I almost didn’t get it back. This was also the first ever iced tea I’ve had freshly prepared like this, and let me tell you, I’m completely sold on the whole concept. I bought the whole summer collection and I’ve been working my way through them since!
At the store this was super fruity and I didn’t taste the mint at all. When I made it at home, while it was steeping hot all I could smell was mint! It was crazy! Once iced, the mintiness diminished but it was still there. Still delicious. Love this tea.