I LOVE this tea and have for years. It has a rich, full-bodied yet delicate taste with fruit overtones that I have yet to find in another tea. We first tasted Paradise tea years ago when on a trip to California and we asked the waitress what the tea was. We then stocked up because we couldn’t find it in stores locally (St. Louis area).

I found this particular blend at a local restaurant and it was only available in commercial-size loose leaf bags, so I started buying it in bulk online. Although the regular original and tropical blends are great tasting, this one is just so much more flavorful.

Now I find out that since Smucker’s bought Sara Lee (who had previously purchased Paradise Tea), they stopped making it a few months ago (spring 2012). If you love this tea, write them and protest the decision. I certainly have!

Iced 4 min, 0 sec

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