Entirely Spring 2020 harvested tea from the Big Snow Mountain area of Mengku in Lincang. Pure unadulterated teas were collected from two different tea gardens and then small batch wet-piled on wood platforms over a 45 day period! Only pure spring water was used for the wet-piling process to keep the tea sweet and clean tasting! After wet piling was completed the teas were aged almost a year in Mengku before being pressed. The resulting tea is thick, sweet, and creamy with very little wet pile taste. This is a premium ripe tea that will continue to age and develop more complexity for decades to come!
Each tong of 7 cakes is wrapped in bamboo leaf!
Tea weight: 357 grams per cake
Vintage: Spring 2021 material
Quantity: 150 kilograms in total
Area: Big Snow Mountain of Mengku County, Lincang Prefecture
Wrapper Design by Nariko Cleveland
This tea has been tested in a certified laboratory for 191 pesticides, and is within the EU MRL limits set for those 191 pesticide residues.