Last day at work tea! It’s also the last of the teas I picked up with my one (and only) order from True Tea Co. This was one of the better ones, given that it actually tasted of something akin to it’s name. It’s not a perfect blend by any means, but it’s okay – candy strawberry, and a touch of cream. The rooibos is pretty strong and woody, and it distracts a little from what’s already a delicate flavour, but I’m not too disappointed with it. It’s a fairly good bedtime option, and I’m always looking for more of those.
I drank this cup with a splash of milk, and I’m wondering now whether it might work well as a latte. I’m a little concerned about the rooibos, but hopeful also that the strawberry might come to increased prominence. I’d probably not order from True again, since I’ve found their blends really inconsistent, but a couple of good things have come out of it so I can’t be too disappointed. This was one of the positives.
Happy last day at work!