Where to start…
Oh yes.
Today was a far busier day than anticipated. I was up far too late the night before catching up on reruns of Once Upon a Time. (Seriously, that show’s amazing.) I mean to roust by 10AM, but that turned into more like…after noon. The final wake-up call was a literal call from my mother informing me of a job fair.
I did that, I applied for food stamps, I went to a work resource center. And I did all with little or no caffeine. I didn’t have my first cup of tea until the end of my poor-man errands – a meager teabagged Ceylon in a travel mug. (It was okay…but lukewarm by the time I got to it.)
When I came home, feeling like the poverty-stricken, out-of-work schmo that I was…I decided it was time for something highbrow. Ain’t nothing more highbrow than a Darjeeling white – let alone a Darj-white from Arya’s “jewel tea” collection. Lucky for me, it was perfect…and…
I felt like a raj.
If only for an afternoon.
In a sweater and khaki pants.
Full review: Pending on www.teaviews.com