1990s Four Gold Coins Liubao

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Dark/heicha Tea
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2 Tasting Notes View all

  • “5.2g, 90 mL duanni, boiling Brita tap dry: beet smell wet: sweeter, almost shou like, but not sure if it’s because the pot has seen a lot of cheap shou (my latest obsession) lately. 1st:...” Read full tasting note

From Teas We Like

This liubao tea consists of loose leaves originally packaged into the popular Four Gold Coins packets during the 2000s. The Malaysian tea shop, responsible for packing and distributing Four Gold Coins on behalf of the Hong Kong exporting company, retained some of the unpackaged material, which we were fortunate enough to acquire. The tea spans from the 1990s to the mid-2000s in terms of its production range. Dark, rich, smooth, sweet, with some light bitters — this is more ripe in style compared to the 90s Malaysian Commission.

100g pouch

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2 Tasting Notes

305 tasting notes

5.2g, 90 mL duanni, boiling Brita tap

dry: beet smell
wet: sweeter, almost shou like, but not sure if it’s because the pot has seen a lot of cheap shou (my latest obsession) lately.

1st: concentrated and smooth. Slight dark bitter upfront. Beet and concrete like taste in middle and then slightly sweet on finish. Slight relaxation and warmth
2nd: similar, lighter honeyed finish
3rd and 4th: lightened, somewhat woody beet

all in all ok enough. Already over a month, but maybe more rest and or a lot more time will lighten up the beet heavy taste. While it’s not disgusting or anything, for the price I would’ve preferred to own more cheap shou or just pony up for the bao lan instead.

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