Tea type
Fruit Tea
Apple Pieces, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Coconut Chips, Flavor, Sour Cherry
Candy, Cherry, Cinnamon, Dates, Sweet, Tangy, Fruity, Apple
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
Boiling 8 min or more 14 oz / 427 ml

Currently unavailable

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From Tealyra (formerly Tealux)

Discontinued blend. Wholesaled by Dethlefsen & Balk.

An iconic symbol of the low California Desert, date shakes are as delicious as they sound! A creamy French vanilla and pure chopped dates milkshake is famous throughout Palm Springs and the surrounding area.

We took inspiration from this desert classic and have created our very own Date Shake herbal blend! Our blend is simple – dates, coconut shreds, cinnamon and cardamom; coconut naturally lends the blend creaminess, while the cinnamon-date combo is out of this world!

Date Shake is fantastic on its own – hot or iced. For your own at home “date shake latte”, prepare some of our Date Shake iced, and add your favorite milk of choice, no sweetener necessary since the dates are full of natural sweetness!

Ingredients: Date bits, sour cherries, cinnamon bits, apple slices triangle, cinnamon sticks, coconut chips, flavouring, cardamom

About Tealyra (formerly Tealux) View company

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6 Tasting Notes

16899 tasting notes

Sipdown (809)!

This was a share from VariaTEA and I had a very weird, love hate relationship with it while drinking it. Initially it tasted quite nice; very creamy and vanilla heavy with hints of cinnamon and fruit. However, as it cooled down it almost started to taste a bit salty and like Play-doh!? It was weird so I stopped drinking the cup. I came back to it later when it was completely cooled, and it was better but not as good as it had been hot – more like a vanilla dough/fondant vibe over a shake.

So… not really sure where I land on this one!? It was a strange experience.


Aw, I miss this one!


(But it never tasted like play-doh for me. haha)

Mastress Alita

Me too, tea-sipper, me too. I even dug around trying to find old stock from some indie tea shop that might still have it after Dethlefsen & Balk (wholesale-only tea company ala MetroTeaCo) stopped producing it, but alas. It was a good bag while it lasted (and for me it always tasted like cherry Valentine’s Day heart suckers and cinnamon!)

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6444 tasting notes

I keep forgetting about my swap with Evol Ving Ness because it is buried under a bunch of other boxes and bags. The bags that Evol used are pretty good so there is not cross contamination but the samples are on the older side. So fingers crossed this has not gone bad and also thank you Evol for the share, even if I have not given it as much attention as I should.

At first sip, nothing appears rancid. There is a lot of sweet and some cinnamon but not much distinct flavor. I guess dates are naturally sweet and this is naturally sweet but there is not a lot going on here. The more I drink, the more date flavor I get but the more sweetness that builds. So this gets a bit cloying. It is different than many other fruit tisanes but different isn’t always great and for me, this is not a favorite. However, I can see it being enjoyed by others.

In other news, yesterday was an interesting day. And by “interesting”, I mean terrible. I had to go in to my doctor’s office to get my blood test results. Since I don’t have vacation days at work, I started working at 7:30 am so I could leave at 3:30 pm to get to my doctor’s appointment at 4:45 pm across town. My concern was the subway getting packed at rush hour given my agoraphobia so I figured best to leave earlier and avoid the rush. However, that meant waking up at 5 am to get to work on time.

When I got to the doctor’s office, my doctor told me that there was something off about my results and she wanted to run more tests. That meant more blood work. I am terrified of needles so my mom came to pick me up from the doctor, assuming I would require more blood work. In the past, I have almost passed out from getting blood drawn and usually had to lie down but the past few times I have been fine so I got my blood drawn sitting up this time. The technician used a butterfly needle like they usually do for me but it took her a while and she had to keep moving the needle around. They took 8 tubes of blood and by the end, I started feeling very not ok. I asked my mom for a lollipop to get some sugars and they finished up the blood work.

That’s when shit hit the fan. I passed out. More than just passed out though. I had a seizure while I was out. So that happened. Thankfully my doctor is not overly concerned about it but its a pretty unsettling feeling. Plus, it meant taking off a day of work which was not my preference but I suppose its a valid response to having a seizure.

Roswell Strange

Glad to hear your doctor isn’t concerned, but that’s super scary!! I hope everything comes back ok! Take it easy!! <3


I was calm because my whole family freaked out but once they calmed down, I started to freak out.


Scary stuff! I’m glad you’re okay.


Oh no! You must be terribly sore, i am sorry that haopened to you.


Turns out my doctor is slightly concerned because I got an email for a neurologist appointment today. Thank you everyone for the concern.


Yikes! I hope everything is ok, and that the seizure can be traced to something easily dealt with (like maybe low blood sugar/having 8 vials of blood taken/having an intense fear of needles?)

I’m also needle-phobic, and have to lie down for any blood draws. Being pregnant and having a c-section involved lots of needles and was very not fun.


Hope you’re okay. I also suffer from low blood sugar but I’ve had nearly 20 vials of blood taken out at a time and been fine (a bit weak but okay). Maybe there’s something else going on. Hope you find out.

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1267 tasting notes

Autumn Harvest! This is one of Tealyra’s (many) discontinued teas, and since they were discontinuing it at the time I was making an order with them and it was highly discounted at the time, I decided to order some. I like dates and had never seen them in tea before. I’ve been trying to horde it since I know I can’t get it anymore, but since it has coconut chips in the ingredients, I figure that is probably a bad idea and I should just drink it already! Dates are actually a harvest food (albeit rarely thought of as such and certainly not very traditional) so now seems as good a time as any.

This is one of those chunky, heavy blends, so it will go fast. It has big ol’ dried chunks of dates, sour cherries, dried sliced apples (seriously, they aren’t even cut into little chunks, but full dried up slices!), coconut chips, and then some spices like chunks of cinnamon rods, cinnamon bits, and cardamom. It’s supposed to mimick a date shake, and I have only ever had a date shake once, and my memories of that now are a bit fuzzy: I was fourteen, and my family had gone on our first ever trip to Disneyland. One of the days was a bus trip down to San Diego to the zoo, and the bus stopped at some truck stop between Anaheim and San Diego that claimed they had “famous Date Shakes” (I didn’t even know what a date was!) so I asked if I could have one. I remember I loved it, that it was really sweet and creamy. I’m fairly sure I’d have to make this latte-style to try to recreate that flavor, but I’m just making a plain pot of this tonight.

It’s a light golden apple color, and smells of sweet dates and cinnamon in the aroma. The flavor is quite nice; it’s very naturally sweet, with the sweet dates and a sugary-cinnamon taste coming forward on the sip, but toward the end of the sip is a more tangy fruity note that tastes like those frosted cherry heart-shaped suckers around Valentine’s Day.

Another unique flavor and I’m happy to be exploring some surprising variety in blends recently. I’m a bit sad this one isn’t still around, though. I actually have a feeling, knowing now that Tealyra sources many of their teas from Dethlefsen & Balk and seeing “Source: Germany” on my package that this was probably a D&B blend, and that they discontinued the blend, so it isn’t like any other companies are going to have it, either, since it is gone from the source. Bah! I don’t think I’ve ever seen any other date teas, and now I really wish I did!

Flavors: Candy, Cherry, Cinnamon, Dates, Sweet, Tangy

Boiling 8 min or more 3 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

Totally different sort of blend, but on my list of teas I want try is Dammann Fères’ “Thé de la Palmeraie,” green tea with date, rhubarb, strawberry, raspberry, rose and orange blossom. Too bad about Date Shake, it sounds so good!


Reminds me of an amazing road trip I took last summer from Phoenix to San Francisco. Among so many other intriguing sites, I was not expecting to pass date palm plantations in the desert of southern California. I didn’t see any signs for Date Shakes, though.

Mastress Alita

I wish I could remember what that truck stop was! Maybe next time I’m in SoCal I’ll have to hunt down some place making Date Shakes…

That tea sounds really good, lizwykys! I think the main reason why I haven’t tried any French teas yet is how hard they are to get here in America (those overseas shipping prices, oof). That and I remember at least one I looked into (I think it was Mariage Freres) only sold teas in 100g sizes, which is a major turn-off for me. I usually won’t ever buy from a company unless I can get sizing at 50g or smaller, since I’m more of a sampler tea drinker and 100g is just way too much of a single tea for me.


Yes, you’re right about that; they do sell 100g as the smallest size, unfortunately! :(


Date shakes are popular in the Palm Springs area. I found a vegan one there once at a natural foods store.

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4330 tasting notes

Thanks so much for sending some of this along, Mastress Alita! I really wanted to try it. This is one of those clunky herbal blends, where the weight of the tea itself makes it pricey and you sure better like the result! I sure do. I’ve never had a date shake before (sounds AMAZING) but this does taste like what I imagine a date shake would (except possibly minus the creaminess of a shake and according to Tealyra’s description, date shakes have a ton of vanilla). But the flavor is in the mug and it is VERY sweet. It’s a perfect dessert tea. The flavor is fruity with a hint of tang from the sour cherry (without having hibiscus) with hints of cinnamon, spice and tons of sweetness. To be honest, it doesn’t taste like dates as much as I’d like it to, considering the name. But the result is scrumptious anyway. It’s just an odd little blend that works. It’s one of those blends I just want to snack on… probably shouldn’t though. I just really have to steep the crap out of it to get that delicious flavor. The second half mug tasted almost just as delicious. Sadly, this is no longer available from Tealyra.
Steep #1 // // just boiled // 20 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled (half mug) // countless minute steep (maybe 30-40 minutes?)

Flavors: Cherry, Cinnamon, Dates, Fruity

Mastress Alita

I think I got my bag when Tealyra was discontinuing the blend, because it was on sale highly discounted which is why I decided to pick it up… a shame, really. I have had a date shake before, but I only have vague memories of it, as I was 14 or so and remember having one at this diner stop on a bus trip between Anaheim and San Diego during a Disneyland-to-SeaWorld trip my family took way back when (they were apparently the speciality of that diner). While I can’t remember the flavor anymore, I do remember I really, really loved that drink to this day.


Sounds like an awesome trip. I’m glad you were able to try a date shake AND this tea. I guess the date shake is a West coast thing?

Mastress Alita

They are grown in the California desert, so I think that’s why they are a SoCal thing.


Well, date shakes sound delicious enough to make it to the east coast. haha

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1403 tasting notes

I tried this one for the first time last night. Delicious! But the dry leaf is so so heavy. It is one of those that likely I have to think and rethink several times when it comes to reordering because of the weight of it. The weight + the cost = insufficient cups of tea for the price. But we’ll see, we’ll see.

Flavors: Apple, Cherry, Cinnamon, Dates

Boiling 8 min or more 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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