Coconut Vanilla White

Tea type
White Tea
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Coconut, Cream, Vanilla
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Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 45 sec 14 oz / 427 ml

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25 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Love this tea. Coconut and vanilla is a perfect combination w the vanilla sweetening the coconut. No need for sugar w this tea. And oddly it can be steeped twice w/full flavor each time.” Read full tasting note
  • “The coconut theme of today’s Steepster Select gave me a hankering for this one – the last of my TeaFrog sample of this variety. Buttery, rich and slightly toasty; I plan on ordering more.” Read full tasting note
  • “Since this will be reviewed later in detail for, I’ll try not to steal my own thunder, but this is really, really, really good! When it comes to white teas, I’ve always...” Read full tasting note
  • “The description of this tea mentions “pink rose petals.” Well, I gots me some pink rosebuds in my sample packet which made my inner girlie-girl squee. This is a very pretty looking tea. The...” Read full tasting note

From TeaFrog

This wonderfully flavored tea is a great introduction to white teas if you have never tasted a white tea before, or are nervous about moving to this type of tea. This tea combines natural coconut and vanilla flavors with the smooth fragrant Pai Mu Dan white tea to create a sensational flavored tea that you will not be able to get enough of!

Ingredients: Pai Mu Dan, coconut pieces, pink rose petals and flavour.

About TeaFrog View company

TeaFrog ships high quality tea to anywhere in North America. Founded in 2006 by Mike and Melanie, TeaFrog endeavors make quality tea accessible to more people, as well as educating the community about the benefits and the myths of tea.

25 Tasting Notes

328 tasting notes

Love this tea. Coconut and vanilla is a perfect combination w the vanilla sweetening the coconut. No need for sugar w this tea. And oddly it can be steeped twice w/full flavor each time.


mmm…this one I’ve gotta try!


How is that odd?


With some flavored teas, the flavoring is much weaker on a second steep; artificial flavors often wash off on the first steep. I’ve found Adagio particularly bad on this score, and TeaFrog unusually good.


I haven’t had many flavored teas that I’ve bothered to try re-steeping, but that’s interesting. And definitely makes sense.


Teabird- I haven’t found that… and until recently my white tea experience was limited to Adagio. Could steeping parameters affect that? I use a shorter steep w/ lower temp and a lot of leaf.


I was thinking more of Adagio’s flavored black teas, which I’ve found no good for a second steep. The flavoring did seem to last better on the whites, and yes, steeping parameters probably have something to do with that.

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237 tasting notes

The coconut theme of today’s Steepster Select gave me a hankering for this one – the last of my TeaFrog sample of this variety. Buttery, rich and slightly toasty; I plan on ordering more.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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3007 tasting notes

Since this will be reviewed later in detail for, I’ll try not to steal my own thunder, but this is really, really, really good!

When it comes to white teas, I’ve always felt like the little old lady (I’m dating myself … oh, well… too late…) in the Wendy’s commercial: “Where’s the TEA?” Either my tastebuds have been burned out by too much double-strength assam or my poor stressed brain just doesn’t have the sensory flavors to pick up tea that just hints at having a taste.

But this one is excellent … you don’t have to make a pretense of picking up flavor, it’s there. And it’s there in a yummy vanilla-white-chocolate sort of way. Maybe I need to save my next cup until I have a hollow white chocolate Easter bunny to gnaw on.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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371 tasting notes

The description of this tea mentions “pink rose petals.” Well, I gots me some pink rosebuds in my sample packet which made my inner girlie-girl squee. This is a very pretty looking tea. The smell is somewhat…wait for it…waaait for it…coconutty and vanilla-ey.

The first steep is all about the white tea and coconut. The vanilla is complimenting the coconut nicely. I should mention that I’m not the biggest coconut fan, but this is pleasant in a suntan lotion sorta way (sorry, that’s my main association with coconuts).

I’m really enjoying the second steep (kept the same parameters). I’m getting a bit more vanilla and the coconut/white tea is more mellow and blended. I’m really liking this. I am getting a bit of a dryness at the back of my throat, but am unsure as to how much of it is from this tea and how much it is from my ceiling fan kicking up dust. Maybe it’s a bit of both. I’m thinkin’ that I need to try this iced. NE

On a side note: I’m really liking my JOEmo XL that I got from TeaFrog. I’m still figuring out how best to prep my tea, but it’s getting better each time. It truly keeps the tea shockingly at or near temp. I had it at work yesterday and it kept the tea hot for close to 7 hours (I drank verrry slowly to test this out and I think it could’ve gone longer, but I finished my tea on my commute home). At first I wasn’t a big fan of how I had to push down on the button in the lid (germ issues), but then I realized that the liquid came out on the perimeter and not through the button spot. Still not my favorite thing, but I think that it’s a good tradeoff for being able to drink from any side of the lip. I may have another issue, but I want to give it some time before getting into that.

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 0 sec

So the tea leaves stay in the hot water the entire time with the JOEmo? I am looking at a travel brewer for Fall (I have an evening class and would love to be able to throw some hot water into a travel brewer before leaving work and take tea with me). My other option is to treat myself to a London Fog every tuesday ;) (Starbucks on campus)


You have the option to either keep the leaves in the thermos (you put them beneath the infuser basket, use less leaf and less hot water), or put them in the infuser basket and pull it out when ready. So it’s up to you and whatever’s most convenient. I may be having an issue with it that I need to contact the company about to see if they could send a replacement part. Sorry to be so vague, but I want to show my dad to make sure I’m seeing what I think I’m seeing before I mention it on Steepster.


Understandable! I’ll look for your further comments :)


Okay — so I confirmed with my dad that the strainer is fine. After the first use it got really discolored and just a bit of the mesh (like one strand) had popped out and it looked very rusty. I kept thinking “but it’s stainless steel” but it really looked like rust. My dad confirmed that it’s just discolored, so it’s all good :D


Glad to hear that it is not rust! (as it should not be ;)) – however – any discoloration should wash right off or even with a light vinegar/water soak – but if you are still having problems please let me know and I will get you a replacement ASAP!


Thank you so very much! I felt so silly, but I thought that if my dad wasn’t sure then I’d research the mesh to see if it wasn’t stainless. It was such a shocking change of color near that mesh “thread” so that’s what gave me pause. The discoloration really isn’t washing off, but it doesn’t bother me as long as it doesn’t affect the taste :) I’ll let you know if there are any real issues. I’m really loving it! Thanks again! :D

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2037 tasting notes

Closing in on the last of the TeaFrog samples. I have this and two more left, I think.

Wow. The ingredients say pink rose petals. But I don’t have those. I have entire BUDS in my sample packet. Small, but fully formed, complete with sepals, and looking lovely next to the long twisty leaves. I’m smelling the fruity package thing I smell with all the TeaFrog samples, but also some coconut.

The liquor is a clear, light yellow and smells of vanilla and coconut. It’s hard to say which dominates. It seems to move back and forth between the two. I’m not getting recognizable rose scent or tea scent for that matter.

I’ll just say now that one of the things I appreciate about TeaFrog is that with an exception or two, they’re pretty self-aware in their descriptions of their teas. This goes for naming, too. Coconut Vanilla White is the right name for this tea, in the right order. The coconut comes first in the taste, then the vanilla. I get the tea more on a second steep than on the first, and it is mild, slightly sweet and a little earthy.

This is really tasty. It’s pretty sweet, and I think in general I prefer the blueberry white which isn’t quite as sweet and is more unusual (at least for me). Possibly I have that overall impression because I’ve had a lot more coconut and certainly a lot more vanilla teas than I’ve had blueberry ones, so I’ve already experienced successful blends with coconut and vanilla. But I can certainly see drinking this as a light dessert or a comforting sweet afternoon pick me up.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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2201 tasting notes

The first time I brewed this, it had a musty aroma that put me off and I never went back to it. I decided to cold brew it since sometimes cold brewing makes weird teas better. So it was with this tea: my cold brew is all coconut and vanilla, slightly sweet, and nice and refreshing. I would consider having this one around just as a cold steep, actually, since it’s so tasty. I’m not getting any florals from the rose buds, but that’s ok. I’m rating this one strictly on it’s cold brew, but I suppose I might try the hot again to see if I can get a better cup. Definitely has the potential to be very tasty!

Iced 8 min or more

Haven’t tried mine chilled yet, but now you’ve inspired me. I really like this one!

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431 tasting notes

Yummmmmmm, so soothing, relaxing, calming, and peaceful. I think I may be on a fluffy white cloud in the sky with little cherubs flying around, showering me in the cute like pink roses found in this tea. Everything played a role and everything was light. It was a like a tropical romance in a cup, if even that is possible. It was great. It is what I call: Happy Tea

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec

This sounds sooo good—like divinity. On to the shopping list with it!

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

LOL oh the pressure if you don’t like it…but if you do YAY! I take full responsibility. :-)

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411 tasting notes

Num. This is a nice tea. The coconut and the vanilla blend nicely, and the rose is very subtle. The white tea is very much in the background, but the four worth together nicely.

Overall I’m finding this a soothing cup, and is making me want to curl up on the couch rather than being at work… :)

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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154 tasting notes

hmm this really really tastes like Tea! I know that should be kinda obvious but with the list of flavors I was expecting the tea part to be mostly covered up.
and the rose flavor is barely there!
wow… this is light and subtle but the flavor really pops for a white. the coconut and the vanilla go very well together (obviously) but don’t cover up the tea… awesome.
Although I don’t know why the listing here on steepster has blueberry on it. My sample pack does not say blueberry and I don’t taste any either

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 15 sec

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63 tasting notes

My samples from TeaFrog were just delivered this morning! They all smell amazing….but this is the one I was looking forward to the most! I am a huge coconut fan, and vanilla is a bonus!

The dry tea looks beautiful, I love the little rosebuds. It has a delicate smell but both the coconut and vanilla are definitely there. Once steeped, it was pale in colour with a light smell. When I drink it the tea itself is the first thing I taste, and it is very nice, but the coconut and vanilla really come out after taking a sip. Mmm.

I haven’t tried it iced yet, but I feel that it will taste even better that way!

Edit: When I went to resteep my leaves a little while later, they smelled terrible, like seaweed. What am I doing wrong? It was only about an hour and a half later, and I’ve never had this happen before when trying to resteep!

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