Cinnapple Green

Tea type
Green Tea
Apple Pieces, Cinnamon, Green Tea, Natural Flavours, Rose Petals, Safflower Petals
Astringent, Cinnamon, Perfume, Rose
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Izzy
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec 10 oz / 300 ml

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3 Tasting Notes View all

  • “The flavor has some light cinnamon and maybe a bit of apple, which isn’t bad. I do enjoy the flavoring, and the green tea was okay as well. I think I actually liked this one better warm. As it sat...” Read full tasting note
  • “Day 18 in my Tea Revv advent calendar. I distinctly remember someone on Steepster warning me about the Tea Revv advent calendar last year. I can’t remember who, but they definitely forewarned me...” Read full tasting note
  • “#adventageddon Day Eighteen – 2/6 First advent tea from today, and made as a latte as a little treat for myself! It was pretty thin tasting given that the sample sizes from Tea Revv are pretty...” Read full tasting note

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3 Tasting Notes

2564 tasting notes

The flavor has some light cinnamon and maybe a bit of apple, which isn’t bad. I do enjoy the flavoring, and the green tea was okay as well. I think I actually liked this one better warm. As it sat in the fridge, the green tea got a bit murky for me.

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87 tasting notes

Day 18 in my Tea Revv advent calendar. I distinctly remember someone on Steepster warning me about the Tea Revv advent calendar last year. I can’t remember who, but they definitely forewarned me about the excessive flavouring they add.

I didn’t listen.

This is the only green tea in the 24 days (why?!) and it’s not so bad. I can taste the perfume of the rose with notes of cinnamon something slightly sweet – probably the apple. It’s not a distinct appley flavour. And the green tea isn’t that pleasant. It’s astringent, which doesn’t work with the cinnamon and apple flavours in this blend.

Ah well. It’s nowhere near as bad as the atrocity that was day 2. Choc Mint. That one had such a strong nail polish aroma. It took days of washing to get the chemical taste out of my tea infuser.

Flavors: Astringent, Cinnamon, Perfume, Rose

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

Nail polish aroma? My word. Blech.


Blech indeed. And congrats on completing your ecology exam!


Thanks! :)

Martin Bednář

I think I have got some awful cuppas too. Nail polish is something I have no idea how it smells like; but it can’t be nice.


Nail polish smells like chemicals and pure alcohol. Like paint stripper. It’s really horrible and should never be present in tea!


It’s very intensely chemical-y Martin. I might be terrified to have a food item with that scent haha!

Martin Bednář

Oh noo, how can foodstuffs be like that?!


My husband thinks tea with chocolate flavoring (not real cacao nibs and such) smells like sharp mildew. I can see that also translating to nail polish.

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16875 tasting notes

#adventageddon Day Eighteen – 2/6

First advent tea from today, and made as a latte as a little treat for myself! It was pretty thin tasting given that the sample sizes from Tea Revv are pretty small but I definitely tasted a light cinnamon and apple flavour, so it’s a check at least in that regard. Wasn’t crazy about this, but I think a latte was a good mood – I feel like I enjoyed it more than I would have straight.

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