All the weird and wonderful experimental tisanes coming out of Georgia are so fascinating and worth a try, but the Blueberry Leaves may be my favourite – plus you can’t tell me that you didn’t scroll through these photos and not think this was black tea leaves. They really, really nail the visual. Steeped, there are definitely differences, but the thicker and more syrupy liquor they produce is really quite flavourful. Fruity, but in a more subdued way with woody undertones. Tastes of blueberry, unsurprisingly, but not particularly sweet. Maybe a little bit tangy and fermented in an almost more apple-y tasting way. It’s very, very round on the palate without a trace of tannin or astringency, which is perhaps what differentiates it the most strikingly from a black tea. That’s okay though – this tisane is it’s own thing, and that thing is delicious.
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/C6WfkjEuIqV/?img_index=1
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWR9BoVuxck