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Black Green Blend
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205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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8 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Thanks to Dylan and Missy I can not only add a tasting note but pretty much add this as “in my cupboard” with the amount they sent me! Thank you! It is stormy here and “they” say it is going to be...” Read full tasting note
  • “Oh my. This came from Missy and Dylan and as soon as I smelled the dry tea in the bag I knew I was saving it for tea party day. I made a key lime pie from fresh key limes, cut up some fresh...” Read full tasting note
  • “For the right audience, this is probably an inspiring, amazing tea. However, this tea and my expectation of this tea are kind of in two different rooms, not talking to each other. This is an...” Read full tasting note
  • “An interesting tea with an interesting name. Dylan says the name isn’t interesting so I had to shout out the name. Pretty fun to say. Nice light woodsy tea coming through the floral scent. I’m not...” Read full tasting note

From Tea Centre of Stockholm

Chinese and Ceylon black teas mixed together with orange peel shavings, tropical fruits, and flowers.

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8 Tasting Notes

807 tasting notes

Thanks to Dylan and Missy I can not only add a tasting note but pretty much add this as “in my cupboard” with the amount they sent me! Thank you! It is stormy here and “they” say it is going to be one of the worst storms in history – if you don’t see me around that may be why! One of our dogs, our little papillon, shakes like a leaf when it storms and can’t breathe and we need to sedate her. She is already shaking terribly and it is not even thundering yet. ANYWAY point is and was that this is a great tea to curl up on the sofa with! I am going to enjoy it very much and just relax tonight.
Creamy, non astringent, vanilla, waiting for floral to peek out some, we shall see. :)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

stay safe!

Dylan Oxford

Sheesh, worst storms in history? Don’t they know you have tea to drink!


LOL haha thats right dangit! I do! Hey Im in Kansas – it could be all hype though. Hard to say. Renters insurance for the win! And today – I finally got myself a china hutch! Can you believe it and NOW it wants to STORM? lol it figures!


Doh!!!! Take care. You could always do camp fire tea if the electricity goes. Like camp fire coffee but easier on the tummy. You won’t even have to snip it with scissors when you are done pouring. ;)

Dylan Oxford

“I’m in Kansas – it could be all hype”

My understanding of storms in Kansas is that tornadoes can tear houses from the ground and throw them across dimensions, resulting in death and shoe theft.


you understand right Dylan! Missy I already have my emergency tea ready!! :)

Scott B

Poor doggy! I hope everyone is okay. Both of our dogs are scared of storms. One hides in the basement and seems to calm down there. The other doesn’t like going down stairs and won’t go the basement-if it’s a bad storm, I just have to carry her.


Scott that is what Lyla does! She goes right to the basement until it gets TOO stormy then she comes up stairs and wants to be with us but the poor baby shakes uncontrollably! I would never do this if not necessary but we got her the meds for her own good I was afraid she would have a heart attack.


Stay safe and give Lyla hugs! Hope it passes soon!

Scott B

I understand your dilemma with the sedative. I had a dog that shook so bad, we gave it a sedative, but it made him like a zombie. Hopefully,the drugs are better now. Our dogs don’t get as scared as yours yet-however these things tend to worsen with age. We also have a finished basement, so we will generally find something to do downstairs while it is storming.


Hope you and your puppy are well!


Veronica – thank you – we are all just fine -nothing happened last night they say its coming today. It does look gloomy, you can see the storm coming in. I am sure we will be fine and thank you. :)


Ninavampi aweee thanks I will.

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3482 tasting notes

Oh my. This came from Missy and Dylan and as soon as I smelled the dry tea in the bag I knew I was saving it for tea party day.

I made a key lime pie from fresh key limes, cut up some fresh strawberries, and made a cookie plate as well.

This was the first tea I served and oh. my. goodness. This is so close to Dammann Freres’ Coquelicot Gourmand. This is a complex, elegant tea with such wonderful pastry flavors. This would be a great dessert all by itself, with nary a thing added. My guest absolutely loved it, hated the darjeeling we tried next, like the Keemun Hao Ya A, then asked for more of this!

This was a hit, and I am delighted that there is enough for one more whole pot!

Thank you, Missy and Dylan! My daughter is in Raleigh today and hopefully will have time to pick up the Asian Pear Green Tea I promised you!


Yay! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I look forward to the pear tea. :D


It just got picked up so hopefully I can get it mailed tomorrow. I will be at work all day but my daughter can take it to the post office.


Thank you!

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185 tasting notes

For the right audience, this is probably an inspiring, amazing tea. However, this tea and my expectation of this tea are kind of in two different rooms, not talking to each other.

This is an amazingly deep and flavorful blend. The base teas are very smooth and enjoyable. The most abundant flavor to me is a variety of floral notes. I’m not a fan of floral tea, and my experience with them is relatively small (due in no small part to my general dislike). However, this tea pulls floral off extremely well. The floral is apparent, but not too aggressive. It’s there as part of the tea, not an overpowering perfume above it. Its very well done, and I applaud Sweden (yes, all of Sweden) for this blend actually being a obviously floral blend that I truly, deeply enjoy.

The fruit flavors take a much more subdued backseat with the floral notes. It’s probably a feat of magic to have orange peel in the background of a blend, I can taste it… but somehow it’s an aftertaste. The fruitiness of this tea lingers in your mouth a little while after the floral tastes have departed. I think I taste something more tropical, possibly pineapple, in the blend as well.

Like I said, this tea is very complex and a very enjoyable blend. Overall, the price wasn’t too expensive. I ordered 250g (total) in two cute, decorative tins for approximately $30 (including shipping from Sweden, mind you). However, it doesn’t blow my not-currently-equipped socks off.

I would highly recommend this tea to anyone who enjoys floral teas, it’s just that floral teas aren’t my ‘thing’. I will definitely enjoy this while I have it, but I don’t know that I’ll buy it again.

It will just be some tea blend that I used to drink ;)

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

that last line sounds like it came right out of a song :)

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212 tasting notes

An interesting tea with an interesting name. Dylan says the name isn’t interesting so I had to shout out the name. Pretty fun to say.

Nice light woodsy tea coming through the floral scent. I’m not so good with flowers so I can’t point out which flowers. They aren’t perfume-y though, I think they add a sweet touch. Very nice blend so far. Tropical fruit I can agree with. I think maybe pineapple, mango or papaya. There is a citrus note so maybe just the pineapple. Maybe it has a hint of lemon. Scooby doo where are you!?

I like this one except for the picture it conjures up, me with silver hair. Perhaps I’ll shave my hair off before I get to that point.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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56 tasting notes

Thanks, Dylan and Missy for sharing the love. Should you ever feel compelled to order a large crate of this stuff again, please count me in. This tea has lovely citrus notes and is full bodied enough to stand up to that. This tea is very smooth. I’m fairly certain I could drink this all day. The specific gravity of this tea is slightly higher than other similar teas which gives it an interestingly soft denseness. This tea is entirely drinkable.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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25 tasting notes

Love this tea! Very fruity and delish fragerance. very pure ingrediants, i have the loose bag and nice big pieces are in its and bright flowers. Tea is not overpoweringly strong like some black ceylon teas, feels of very high quality leaves, and leave plenty of room for complex over flavors of fruit and flowers. Powerful flavor so i usualy steep once lightly, then keep repeating for longer. One of my favorite teas but i only found it the once and it was very expensive, 13 for 100gs, but thats what high quality complex teas like this cost. It is extreemly similiar, except less sweet, than many of the teavana teas which are also pricey.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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1 tasting notes

A fruity, tropical, tastefully calming tea. Very enjoyable during any part of the day.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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1737 tasting notes

This seems to be the place where most people have entered tasting notes for The Tea Centre of Stockholm’s Söderblandning. There are at least two other places at Steepster, one of which includes the umlaut in the name (would it be obnoxious for me to add one to this entry? would it make the tea impossible for others to find using the Steepster search function?), but which is devoid of any reviews, and another which qualifies Söderblandning as Söderblandning Black. Well, my can, discovered in the process of excavating my humble residence of ten years, as I attempt to prepare for The Historic Move, definitely contains a blend of black teas—both China and Ceylon—scented with dried flower petals and fruits.

I cannot actually figure out what the fruits here are. They are supposed to be “tropical”, but I’m not sure whether mango and papaya are implicated or not. It’s possible that they change the recipe from year to year, as The Centre of Stockholm seems a bit evasive as to the ingredients. The fruit flavor is definitely detectable, but it’s that same somewhat vague “fruitiness” which often characterizes fruity black blends—at least to my palate. During my www fact-finding mission, I was happy to learn that this emporium uses only natural flavors, so that’s good news. No scary lab experiments here!

On a further positive note, the black tea base (both China and Ceylon) is quite good as the amber-colored liquor does taste nice with nothing added to it. I’ll definitely be trying this fruity blend many more times in the future, as I have now cracked upon a brand new, formerly sealed can brim with 125 grams—less about 3 from this pot! I suspect that Söderblandning will make an excellent iced tea. We shall see, since summer is just around the bend…

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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