Organic Peach Cobbler

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Apple, Black Tea, Cinnamon, Natural Flavours
Cinnamon, Fruity, Pastries, Peach, Tannin, Apple, Earth, Bitter, Spices, Sweet, Tannic, Astringent
Sold in
Tea Bag
Kosher, Organic
Edit tea info Last updated by Shae
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec 2 g 9 oz / 255 ml

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23 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I finally dove into my Tazo order that I bought before they turned into Starbucks. Granted that was, uhh, almost 6 months ago ish, but I figured it was all sealed so I’d drink the stuff I had in my...” Read full tasting note
  • “I drank this on the way to work today. It wasn’t a BAD tea per se but I really did not get any peach flavor. It tasted like a slightly straight black loose black tea. On the scheme of things it was...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m not getting any hint of peach at all in the flavor of this tea, though it certainly smelled peachy while dry. Also, steeping for 5 minutes per the instructions on the bag was too long. It’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “I really like this! It tastes like peach, but also something more. I totally get the desserty direction. It’s all quite nice together! I drank this sweetened cold.” Read full tasting note

From Tazo

cinnamon + apple + peach

A delectable melange of black teas with peach notes, apple and cinnamon, with other natural flavors.

It’s summertime in here. Nap-in-the-grass, forget-where-your-shoes-are, peach juice-running-down-your-chin, pie-a-la-mode summertime. Steep yourself in the decadent sweetness of organic black teas (and worry about finding your shoes later).

organic black teas, natural flavors, organic cinnamon, organic apple, organic natural flavors

Brewing Instructions
212°F – Bring fresh, filtered water to a boil.
8 fl oz – Pour water over the filterbag in your cup.
5 min – Let it steep. Wait patiently for perfection.

About Tazo View company

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23 Tasting Notes

224 tasting notes

I finally dove into my Tazo order that I bought before they turned into Starbucks. Granted that was, uhh, almost 6 months ago ish, but I figured it was all sealed so I’d drink the stuff I had in my cupboard that wasn’t. These all have best by dates good until the end of this year, so I’m not worried about them going stale or something. Lol.
Anyway, this one smelled pretty good in the bag. Peachy, but also kinda strange. Might be the pu-erh in the blend. I’m not exactly sure.
Unfortunately this was a complete disaster to make. I made it twice and both times it’s essentially undrinkable to me because it turned out so bitter. The first time I didn’t exactly follow the package time for steeping. The package said 5 min, which for a black tea made me give it a dubious look, so I did 4 min @ 208*. I should’ve gone with my first instinct and did less because UGH! Horribly bitter, so much so that I didn’t take more than a small sip before pouring it out.
But I wasn’t about to give up so easily, especially not since I still had so much of it. Lol. So I heated some more water up, this time to 200* and only let it steep for 2 min. While it was still bitter, at least it was vaguely drinkable. I don’t really get much peach or apple taste out of it. Just mediocre black tea that’s bitter. It’s rather frustrating actually.

I’m not really sure what to do with this now. I’m tempted to try it one more time with much cooler water and maybe a minute steeping time, but then again, I’m not sure I should bother since it seems so finicky to me. I guess this tea just isn’t working for me.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Mmmm at peach cobbler :-) boo for the tea :-(

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230 tasting notes

I drank this on the way to work today. It wasn’t a BAD tea per se but I really did not get any peach flavor. It tasted like a slightly straight black loose black tea. On the scheme of things it was better then bad bagged tea but nothing super spectacular.

I tasted this tea out of the “Considering a new Traveling Tea Box” tea box.

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353 tasting notes

I’m not getting any hint of peach at all in the flavor of this tea, though it certainly smelled peachy while dry. Also, steeping for 5 minutes per the instructions on the bag was too long. It’s slightly bitter.

I think this would be better steeped a shorter amount of time and with some sugar. I’ll have to experiment more.

5 min, 0 sec

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2570 tasting notes

I really like this! It tastes like peach, but also something more. I totally get the desserty direction. It’s all quite nice together! I drank this sweetened cold.

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695 tasting notes

First cup of tea this morning, enjoyed on my way to work out of a classic red white and blue enamel mug.

This a medium-bodied, straightforward tea. It’s rare that I would add sweetener to a tea but this one begs for it, being named after a baked dessert treat. Looking forward to trying it with a kiss of sugar as I work my way through the box.

Notes are light fruit on the nose, a pleasant sweetness, and if you think hard about it a little bit of shortening which seems like pie crust. The body is pure black tea, as expected. There is some tannin on the finish which lingers, alongside the persistent fruit. I actually don’t get a lot of cinnamon, as some other reviewers did. Which is good, nothing to take away from the mild fruity notes.

It’s a pleasant tea, not overdone. I would drink it again (and will since I got a box for free!)
The Caffeine is present, making this a great morning or afternoon pick me up that takes well to milk or sugar.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Fruity, Pastries, Peach, Tannin

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 2 g 9 OZ / 266 ML

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1 tasting notes

I’ve rediscovered my love for tea recently and decided to give this one a try. On first sip you taste the earthiness of the black tea, followed by the aroma of peach and apple, and finished with a light taste of sweet cinnamon. It’s one that I recommend for new tea drinkers as it’s not extremely astringent and it’s easy on the taste buds. 4 cups out of 5 because it may be more enjoyable with a touch of sugar or honey.

Flavors: Apple, Cinnamon, Earth, Peach

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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6444 tasting notes

Sororitea Sisters TTB

It’s been a bit of a sipdown Saturday and this is included. Saying goodbye to this teabag that definitely tastes like a peach cobbler if you drowned a peach cobbler in a bitter black tea and cinnamon. Such potential lost.

Super Starling!

I had high hopes for this one, too. :(


It did smell quite good.

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206 tasting notes

This tea tastes like a peach cobbler, except with a lot of cinnamon. Basically drowning in cinnamon. If you’re the sort of person who loves oodles of chai flavoring, with maybe some fruity peach/apple thrown in, this is for you.

If you’re the sort of person who wants a straight fruity tea without spices, here’s what I want you to do:

1. Procure a Zamboni.
2. Hitch a gazebo to the back of the Zamboni.
3. Hire a driver named Jeeves.
4. Find a road where there is no police presence.
5. Have Jeeves start up the Zamboni while you lie in repose in the gazebo.
6. Ride off into the sunset, far far away from this tea.

Flavors: Apple, Cinnamon, Peach

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564 tasting notes

Another sipdown this morning. I have a migraine and needed some caffeine, so I filled up my huge mug (more like a vat) with the last two bags of this and some hot water. It’s still decent but not amazing, like most Tazo teas I’ve tried. Probably wouldn’t rebuy, but it would do in a pinch as a travel tea. I still wish it had more peach, but alas.

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2172 tasting notes

Wow, this really does smell like peach cobbler! I’m actually pretty surprised. I can almost imagine my cup being filled with the sweet, syrupy peach filling. The taste is bitter as other notes have suggested, but I can also taste the sweet peach flavor and smell the cinnamon and spice.

I added cream but it’s not mixing as well as I would have liked. Also, the honey is overwhelming the flavors in the tea so next time I may try a different sweetener. Overall, this is an enjoyable cup. Quite the dessert experience.

Flavors: Bitter, Cinnamon, Peach, Spices, Sweet, Tannic

Boiling 8 OZ / 236 ML

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