Last T Kettle blend for now – may explore some of the flavours I missed in the future, but I think I ended up sipping through around 90 of their teas so I do feel like I got a really good sense of what the company is about/their direction and blend style/and their strong suits…
For a Serenity Now recreation, which is honestly a tea with a lot of layered flavours that probably shouldn’t work because of how all over the place it is (and yet, it does), this is actually a pretty good version of the profile. It feels thinner overall in terms of body, and is missing some of the “low” fruit notes and density of flavour that Serenity Now has – but the overall flavours are here: a bright “top note” strawberry, soft lavender, and a hint of spearmint in the finish. It’s sharper/more high notes and less cooling in the end sip – also a little more noticeable apple flavour. But overall? Good and enjoyable.