Holiday Tea-son! This is one of my older mint teas, so I’m going to put some priority on trying to finish it off in the coming weeks. I got it from Snake River Tea in Boise on one of my Anime Oasis trips, and while they wholesale their wares, I think they blended this one themselves (though I’m pretty sure the two teas they blended together are from International Tea Importers, as they use them to source a lot of their teas). This is a blend of Moroccan Mint green tea (their Moroccan Mint is gunpowder green with spearmint) mixed with yerba mate.
I’ve always found the taste of plain yerba mate reminds me a lot of gunpowder green tea, so this choice makes a lot of sense to me. I honestly can’t tell the difference in the flavor of this from any other Moroccan Mint tea using gunpowder/spearmint, since the mate is such a close flavor match for me. I get notes of tobacco smoke, grass, dry hay, and then a strong minty spearmint flavor that washes over the end of the sip. Really the main thing that sets this apart is the extra caffeine from the mate.
The spearmint definitely makes this a bit more enjoyable for me that either gunpowder or mate are for me plain, but I’m finding the smoky notes are still a bit more prominent than I typically care for. Once I sip this down, it’s unlikely to be something I’ll replace. I really can only handle gunpowder green or yerba mate if that tobacco flavor is very well hidden by the other flavors in the tea.
Flavors: Dry Grass, Hay, Mint, Smoke, Spearmint, Tobacco