Shui Xian is a popular tea bush grown towards the edge of Wu Yi Shan. Due to its popularity, farmers coming to cut back the bushes to allow for higher yield of tea. The Lao Cong (Old Bush) Shui Xian, which is closer to the center of Wu Yi Shan have been allowed to grow over thirty years to create a smooth sweet tea with no bitterness. The older bushes create a slippery feeling in your throat similar to a good puer made from ancient bushes. This medium roasted tea has a dried date aroma that is milder than Premium Shui Xian.
Location: Fujian Province
Tea Bush: Old Bush Shui Xian
Tea Master: Liu Guo Ying
Harvest Time: April-May
Picking Standard: zhong kai mian (3 slightly open leaves)
Brewing vessel: glass cup, gaiwan, glass or porcelain pot, yixing pot
Brewing Guidelines: 1st infusion 1 ½ Tbs per 12 oz 212F for 1 min
Infusions: at least 6 times