Chrysanthemum Flower : Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramartu Neutralizes toxins, nourishes skin, slowing aging process, Relieves body heat, brightens eyes and cleansing the liver.
Pot Marigold : Calendula officinalis, Brightens eyes, enhances liver function and stomach, reduces inflammation, relieves body heat, reduces eye strain.
Big Marigold : Tagetes erecta L. Brightens eyes, caring for liver and stomach, reduces inflammation, relieves body heat, reduces eye strain.
Rose : Rosa rugosa Thunberg, Improves blood circulation, helps regulate menstruation, moistures skin, believed to slow aging process, soothes liver and stomach.
Globe amaranth Flower : Globe amaranth Nourishes skin, helps regulate menstruation, soothes asthma and reduces phlegm. believed to help reduce blood pressure., contains vitamin C,E.
Aristolochia debilis Si : Aristolochia debilis Si Improves skin tone and appearance, believed to help reduce blood pressure, may help with weight loss, improves immunity, slows cell aging.
Tropaeolum : Tropaeolum majus, Help cure respiratory infections, reduces inflammations of mouth and throat infections.
Carnation : Dianthus caryophyllus, Improves skin tone and appearance, brightens eyes, soothes nerves and promotes calming, helps to relieve headache and toothache.
Green Tea : Contains antioxidants, lowers cholesterol, reduces oxidative damage that slows cancer cells, quickens metabolism, prevents heart disease.
Jasmine : Helps with bad breath, freshens oral pallet, clears throat passage.
Jasmine Flower : Jasminum Sambac Brightens eyes, nourishes and moistens skin, improves skin tone, improves sleep, soothing to the stomach.
Lily : Lilium lancifolium THUNBERG Moistens lung and calms cough, soothes nerves and promotes a calming sense.
Calendula officinalis : Contains antiviral properties, helps with breast feeding, fights ulcerative colitis, helps with topical healing.
Lotus : Lotus is known for relaxation and stress relief.
’Sploding flower! Run for your liiiiives!!!!!