Raspberry Truffle Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Flavor, Matcha Green Tea
Chocolate, Raspberry
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
155 °F / 68 °C 10 oz / 295 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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33 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This matcha + belgian chocolate matcha = a less artificial tasting even chocolatier wonderful matcha smoothie :) it’s a good morning even if it is T MINUE 2!!!! BLAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!1” Read full tasting note
  • “Gotta say, Sil is very generous with her matcha samples. I think I’ve had a few cups of this by now, and I could probably make 2 more! It’s so great. Hot or cold. :) Maybe slightly better...” Read full tasting note
  • “Meh. I’ve decided, this one is just a little too fake like for me. Not bad, but certainly not great or true to a truffle. That’s ok, I have plenty of other matchas to love and I can easily use...” Read full tasting note
  • “I have to go to my annual doctor check up this morning and I do not want to. It’s too cold. I want to stay in bed and drink hot tea. It is seriously 16 degrees colder here than Montreal, like this...” Read full tasting note

From Matcha Outlet

Raspberry Truffle Matcha is the perfectly designed treat that literally melts in the mouth with its mix of sweetness and Matcha undertones. This treat can make the perfect in-between meals treat that is perfect for enticing the taste buds to want much more. It can also make the perfect desert when people want to sample the different alternatives that are available for the palate to partake. For children, this exceptional treat can be one of many favorite offerings on their special occasions.

Raspberry Truffle Matcha is not for the faint hearted because of its deep rich taste sensation on the palate. It is a good alternative for other normal sweet choices such as chocolate or other candies. It also forms a great accompaniment to many foods and drinks with its sweetly inviting appeal and unforgettable flavor. This is a good treat for making a lifeless day unforgettable with its hints of pure pleasure and understated appeal.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

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33 Tasting Notes

15544 tasting notes

This matcha + belgian chocolate matcha = a less artificial tasting even chocolatier wonderful matcha smoothie :) it’s a good morning even if it is T MINUE 2!!!! BLAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!1


omg I’ve been trying to figure that out. This one + almond really didn’t do any good :/


this one + french vanilla works too… cheesecake might as well.


mostly i’m just trying to finish drinking it. not my fav and likely not a repurchase :(


I’ll try it with Cheesecake. I haven’t got any vanilla. Hmmm. Maybe peppermint.

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1598 tasting notes

Gotta say, Sil is very generous with her matcha samples. I think I’ve had a few cups of this by now, and I could probably make 2 more!

It’s so great. Hot or cold. :)
Maybe slightly better hot.
(This tasting note doesn’t mess around).


Haha well I have lots and wanted to give you room to screw up in case that happened :)


Oh and try it both cold and hot…and then there’s with milk or without…..


Plus…when I make a smoothie its anywhere from 2-4 tsps haha


Oh wow. I should try making it stronger! I’ve just been using the perfect matcha spoon! And I think I’ve tried most of those combos, except for cold and without milk – not too crazy about that idea!


I should send you some cola flavoured matcha….it’s the only one I’ve enjoyed as a cold + water so far….


This one does seem like it would be great hot.
I have yet to try any matcha with just cold water. Thinking the cotton candy maybe a good choice of my matcha to take the plunge.


chelle…that might just be a good one. toss it in a water bottle with some ice and shake like a mad woman!


Cola matcha? Odd… yeah I’d be interested in trying that!

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1764 tasting notes

Meh. I’ve decided, this one is just a little too fake like for me. Not bad, but certainly not great or true to a truffle.
That’s ok, I have plenty of other matchas to love and I can easily use this up in smoothies or cooking :)

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1220 tasting notes

I have to go to my annual doctor check up this morning and I do not want to. It’s too cold. I want to stay in bed and drink hot tea. It is seriously 16 degrees colder here than Montreal, like this is ridiculous.

So to warm up and make myself get up, it is matcha time!

I think I prefer just the straight chocolate. My water was probably around 165, possibly lower, and the raspberry just has an iffy aftertaste to it. The chocolate is nice though, not as strong as the straight chocolate matcha, but nice.

Not bad, but I wish I didn’t have so many problems w/the fruit matchas.

And off I go. Let’s hope this time around I do not artificially raise my blood pressure by like 30 points by my irrational fear of blood pressure sleeves. I can’t help it, I just think, what if this thing doesn’t let go? Every time they’re just like okay we’ll do this again later and it DROPS. Luckily they took it last week at the allergist and it was 120/70 so I consider that not freaking out. I hope I can do it again haha.


Hope the check-up went well!

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807 tasting notes

My daughter picked this one out – she LOVES truffles and of course raspberry is one of her favorites. She has not got to try it yet as she is at work but I had to sneak a bit since I was putting my matcha powders into their tins. LOVE the Red Leaf Tea Tins with screw top lids! Almost idiot proof.

So this one has a very nice raspberry flavor, although I seem to be missing the chocolate flavor, not that I taste no chocolate but its not like the chocolate matcha flavor. However truffles have a very distinctive flavor to them – which for me is difficult to describe, but this does taste very true to an actual truffle and not simply to flavors of matcha mixed together. So its not just some chocolate flavor with raspberry flavor but however this was blended with whatever ingredients it is true to that truffle aroma and flavor. I wish I could explain the flavor I am talking about maybe it is some kind of special nut oil that is used or something but there is just a flavor to truffles that is different and this matcha absolutely has captured it!

So today I began with the preparation of the matcha and was going to do my typical latte but last minute before adding the creamer decided to use a scoop of natural vanilla ice cream hubby was so lovely to pick up for me. So my blend included the prepared matcha along with some ice cubes, a quarter cup of milk, and a small scoop of ice cream. It was not that amazing of a plan since the ice cubes and ice cream wanted to be stubborn but I took a long tea spoon and mixed it up and ate it something like a float.

Mmmmm absolutely delicious! The raspberry truffle flavor popped along with the creamy ice cream here and there in a milky frothy treat!

The lingering after taste is what is most astounding! I had this matcha latte shake concoction over 15 minutes ago and I am still tasting raspberry chocolaty goodness in my mouth!

Of course as always Red Leaf Tea’s matcha base is outstanding even at the starter grade!

Oh and if you want to get some of your own to play around with get it here:


My matcha was composed of the following:

Size : Small
Matcha Quality: Starter (Basic Grade)
Flavor: Robust
Storage: Add Small Metal Tin Container (Holds up to 45g)
I do recommend the Robust level of flavor in this one personally. Also remember to grab up one of those screw top tins!


Oh sounds delicious. I’ll hopefully one day get to this one. My list is getting so long.


Omg I want this….

Autistic Goblin

I must try this sometime. After my first order arrives and I find out how much I like matcha :D


It is VERY true to a truffle even though it is not my favorite from them it ROCKS!

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1379 tasting notes

I’ve had a busy day at work and am thankfully now resting at home. My husband had the day off to visit the hospital for his cancer check up (which are every 2 months now) and he is all clear still :) A reason to celebrate with this Raspberry Truffle Matcha.

The matcha smells almost like raspberry jam it’s so strong. The cocoa is more subtle but you still notice it in the background. The flavour is somewhat matching to the scent, it’s strongly raspberry but with only a hint of chocolate. Very truffle like :)

My husband said to him the chocolate is stronger than the raspberry, that was blind tasting too so he had no idea what it actually was.

I really like this one, I wonder if it differs much if brewed hot? Will have to try that another time.

Thank you Sil.


So glad your husband is still in the clear. What a rleif that must be for the both of you.


I’m really glad you liked this one..espcially since it’s not my favourite haha :)

And so happy to hear the good news on your husband’s front :)


Super yay for hubby! happy for you two :D

Terri HarpLady

Glad to hear this news for both of you!

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4843 tasting notes

My first attempt with this Matcha … when prepared with hot water, I tasted a slight artificial taste to it, and I was a little disappointed. I had high hopes for a Matcha called Raspberry Truffle. The second time I prepared it, I prepared it as a latte, using half water and half whole milk, and this proved to be much tastier. The milk sort of cancels out the artificial taste and it also gives the matcha a creaminess that accentuates the truffle-ness of it very nicely.

Awesome as a latte … not so awesome as a traditionally prepared matcha. Here is my full-length review: http://sororiteasisters.com/2013/02/10/raspberry-truffle-flavored-matcha-from-red-leaf-tea/

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62 tasting notes

So this is my second matcha today. I probly wont sleep now, oh well totally worth it.

I am a lover of all things chocoalte. Now Ive never had a truffle so I guess I can’t say I’m a chocolate master, but when I saw this I thought of those little chocoalte boxes you get that always have the chocolates with the raspberry fillings. So I might not be the best at figuring out if this is a real authentic raspberry chocoalte truffle flavor. So this is my first raspberry flavor and first chocolate flavor from Red Leaf so I’m quite excited.

Now alot of choclate flavored drinks I’ve tried either taste way too overpowering or have this weird fake choclate taaste. So I was a little hesitent when I was thinking of purchasing this. But everything I’ve had from Red Leaf has been great, so I finally gave in and got it. The smell when you open the bag is just amazing. Who doesnt like the smell of choclate and raspberrys. So what I got was Size: Small (30 grams), Quality: Basic Grade, Flavor: Delicate. Ive been making all my matchas cold, so I decided to do this one cold aswell. So I made an Iced Latte with milk, and oh my gosh. Its sweet from the raspberrys and the chocolate, but its not overpowering with the choclate, I get the matcha but its not the primary flavor I get. Its got a nice creamy flavor to it. Guh its so good!

I bet this would be amazing as a hot latte. Even just thinking about it makes my mouth water, Raspberry Truffle Latte just sounds delicious. That is going to be my next drink with this. I usually add sugar with my lattes but this one didnt need it at all. Now I cant wait until tomorrow to try this as a hot latte, I’ve limited myself to 2 matcha a day so I dont drink it too fast. Come on tomorrow! For all you choclate lovers who want it, I got it here http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/raspberry-truffle-matcha.html

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892 tasting notes

So I decided to save my 100th tasting note for this wonderful matcha! Which you can buy here:

Picking out my next matcha became pretty easy when I saw this one. I LOVE chocolatey, sweet teas. This one smelt SO good when I opened the package. The smell of chocolate raspberries filled the room. Plus right after that we opened the cheesecake matcha and then the entire kitchen smelt like chocolate raspberry cheesecake! Hmm.. Maybe I’ll have to try a mix of that? Mm.. I love Red Leaf Tea :D
Last night I got home around midnight so I didn’t get a chance until this morning. I will admit I used a bit more matcha then I should have… But it tasted wonderful! The chocolate raspberry kind of hides behind the matcha, it’s more of the aftertaste. It’s very creamy and smooth. I got the ‘delicate’ option for flavoring on this and I’m sitting here wishing I had picked the ‘distinctive’ choice. This is one matcha I wouldn’t mind having a lot of this flavor in! The chocolate raspberry flavor is teasing me behind the matcha. But it’s still a wonderful treat when you’re craving something sweet! This is one of the ‘must try’ matchas because of it’s unique flavor! And that’s what I love about Red Leaf Tea. They are the only company I know that sales flavored matcha. So thank you Red Leaf!! So again, here is the link to go get this sweet, chocolatey matcha:


175 °F / 79 °C

Ohhh I just ordered some of this! can’t wait to try it. :)


happy 100th note!


Thanks Amanda! :D I was so excited it was the 100th.
Azzrian, It’s SO good. I just wish I got more flavor so I could have more of the chocolatey goodness!


Happy 100! This sounds delicious….can’t wait for my 1st matcha to come!


Thank you :) which kind did you get?


Cheececake!! I love cheesecake!


Oo that one is SO good

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82 tasting notes

Before I continue this review, my last on for the free matcha program, I just want to say a big THANKS to Red Leaf Tea for encouraging us all to drink more matcha. They have provided us with such wonderful flavors and creative varieties that we will never be satisfied with normal matcha again! I hope to see more new flavors from their creative minds. THANKS RED LEAF!!!
I don’t think I’d be a girl if I didn’t love chocolate. I don’t think anything could be better than matching raspberry with chocolate. My sister-in-law buys these chocolate covered raspberries (in bulk!!!) and so I ordered this matcha hoping that it would satisfy me enough so I wouldn’t steal her stash and become 400 pounds! I opened this matcha and was pleasantly surprised to smell chocolate! I couldn’t seem to smell the raspberry in it. I put it into a tin to keep it fresh, if it’ll make it very long. The small size fits perfect in the tin with a little wiggle room…enough to be able to get the measuring spoon in.
I really wasn’t sure how I wanted to prepare this matcha. I ordered the black matcha as I thought it would compliment the chocolate. First I prepared it with just 1 tsp matcha and 16.9oz of water. It was ok, but not really what I was looking for. I seemed to get more chocolate from it this way and not enough raspberry flavor. SO, next I heated up some milk, added a bit of sugar and frothed it up into a latte. Now here is where I get more of the raspberry. It’s a nice creamy truffle.
On a side note, I’ll be learning to make truffles from tea as a local tea shop this week so maybe I’ll be able to use what I have left in making a tea truffle! You can never go wrong with chocolate and raspberries that don’t make you gain weight.
THANKS again Red Leaf for another wonderful matcha creation….keep’em comin’!
Here is how I ordered my Raspberry Truffle Matcha from Red Leaf Tea:
Size: Small
Quality: Black
Flavor: Delicate
Storage: Air tight refill flat pouch – would definitely recommend purchasing a tin for your matcha to keep it fresh. I did not order one this time since I already had a tin.
To get your own tasty Raspberry Truffle Matcha from Red Leaf Tea – GO HERE NOW!!!!

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