Blueberry Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Flavor, Matcha Green Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
150 °F / 65 °C 12 oz / 354 ml

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  • “Having this with hot water and sugar this morning! I also had in the evening last night, forgot to log it. This is so good, and I’m very excited, I got a bunch of gift credit for Red Leaf’s matcha...” Read full tasting note
  • “mmm nothing says hello morning like a blueberry cheesecake matcha smoothie and a system crash at work lol This is about 50/50 with blueberry and cheesecake so in theory i could log this as...” Read full tasting note
  • “Weekends always seem too short… Weeks should be four work days and three rest days!! It makes perfect sense doesn’t it?? Well, since that won’t be happening any time soon… I might as well enjoy...” Read full tasting note
  • “MMm blueberries, my favorite fruit! I go crazy with fresh blueberries – eating lots of them! Off season, I love blueberry jam. I’ve been planning to give this matcha a whirl for awhile. Let’s see...” Read full tasting note

From Matcha Outlet

Blueberry Rich diet anyone? Being very good anti depressants, Blueberries keep you fresh, active, sharp, fit and in a good mood.

Researchers have shown that blueberries contain pterostilbene, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, resveratrol, flavonols, and tannins, which inhibit mechanisms of cancer cell development and inflammations. Similar to red grapes, some blueberry species contain significant levels of nutrients in their skins.

Blueberries hold the highest antioxidant capacity of all fresh fruit: being very rich in anti oxidants like Anthocyanin, vitamin C, B complex, vitamin E, vitamin A and copper (a very effective immune builder and anti-bacterial). Boosting your immune system and preventing infections.

Blueberries also offer the following benefits to name a few :

· Assist in preserving vision

· Help with constipation & digestion

· Help fight against cancer

· Keeping your brain healthy

· Help to prevent heart disease

The ability to dissolve “bad cholesterol” and all those anti oxidants make Blueberries a perfect dietary supplement to aid with many heart diseases.

Blueberry Matcha Tea, using only the best 100% pure Matcha Tea. Our Blueberry Matcha Tea flavors and health benefits are retained as our raw and organic fruits are freeze dried and ground into powder to offer the best quality.

We offer only the highest quality teas at great prices. We have an amazing and extensive selection of different tea varieties so you are sure to find one or two that please your taste buds. Whatever it is you enjoy in the tea realm, we have it. Try us today and you will never have to look for a new tea company again.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

About Matcha Outlet View company

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38 Tasting Notes

1186 tasting notes

Having this with hot water and sugar this morning! I also had in the evening last night, forgot to log it. This is so good, and I’m very excited, I got a bunch of gift credit for Red Leaf’s matcha referral program, so now I have to decide on at least 4 new flavors!! Any suggestions? I have been looking on Steepster and have an idea of the ones I will pick, but feedback is appreciated!


oooh whatcha thinking about picking up? :)


So far I’ve considered caramel, cheesecake, pear, and grapefruit..and I was thinking maybe distinctive flavoring? The pineapple looks good as well though..and the acai berry..ugh I want all of them! Haha, what ones are your favorites?


the pear is a bit artificial tasting, so be forewarned on that one. i bought it ages ago with robust flavouring and after trying others, it’s still kind of in my cupboard waiting for me to finish it someday heh
i want to try grapefrui eventually so if you get that i’ll be waiting for your reviews :) caramel is great and i enjoy cheesecake quite a bit.


Ok, thanks for the heads up about the pear! I wonder if it would taste as artificial with distinctive..I’m a huge pear fan haha but I want it to be for grapefruit, I am a bit nervous about possibly being the first to get it! Caramel and cheesecake I will probably 90% likely will get them, they just sound sooo good :) thanks for the info!


I love caramel, almond, and black cherry, I like French vanilla and Bavarian Creme.


Oooh black cherry and French vanilla sound awesome too! Too many choices :D


ditto on the black cherry and french vanilla heh


Hmmm so I’m deciding between distinctive or robust flavor, or maybe even delicate but that might be too light. Which would you recommend for distinctive and which for robust? :D


if you like tasting the matcha…distinctive’s probably fine for you. I LOVE tasting the flavour, so for caramel and cheesecake i always go robust. Black cherry you could go with either, i’ve had both and enjoy both. grapefruit i’d likely go with distinctive or delicate until i’d tried it once. french vanilla, again i love the robust :)


Hmm I’ve only had the blueberry with robust, so I’m not sure if I like the taste of matcha yet! I will think this over and hopefully place an order this week :)

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15544 tasting notes

mmm nothing says hello morning like a blueberry cheesecake matcha smoothie and a system crash at work lol This is about 50/50 with blueberry and cheesecake so in theory i could log this as cheesecake as well. I’m really enjoying the combo of the two :)


Mmmmmm, blueberry cheesecake….

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160 tasting notes

Weekends always seem too short… Weeks should be four work days and three rest days!! It makes perfect sense doesn’t it?? Well, since that won’t be happening any time soon… I might as well enjoy delicious tea in the mean time!

This matcha is tasty. No doubt about it. I love that I ended my Monday with a nice frothy cup of hot blueberry matcha. 

I felt that the blueberry flavoring was stronger this time around, but it didn’t overcome the matcha flavor so it was perfect. I love how versatile matcha can be. I added a tiny bit of milk to the last few sips and I had a green tea blueberry milkshake! (except it was warm…) 

Well, a good way to start my tea week! I will need to repurchase this one soon (and I purchased a large!…) I am having a hard time deciding which Red Leaf tea Matcha flavors to try next! :) So many yummy ones to chose from! 


MMM another flavour I need to think about picking up.


If you like blueberry, it is really worth a try! :) There are so many good options to pick from… I am having trouble on deciding which ones should be in my next order.


Oooh, I love blueberry. I’m going to have to give this one a try. Sounds delightful!


I have pear and uh…cheesecake on the way :) I really want mocha and then every fruit under the sun haha

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1271 tasting notes

MMm blueberries, my favorite fruit! I go crazy with fresh blueberries – eating lots of them! Off season, I love blueberry jam. I’ve been planning to give this matcha a whirl for awhile. Let’s see how it goes:

Blueberry Matcha
Matcha Quality: Classic Basic Grade
Flavor: Distinctive

Out of the package, the matcha smells blueberry candy – like a huge blueberry sticky lollipop! Over the top sweet blueberry flavoring smell.

Prepared simply as a hot cup of matcha, there is a mix of flavorful earthy matcha with a finish of blueberry taste. However, I kinda find this blueberry sharp and tart, like I’m eating a bunch of blueberry skins packed into a sip.

While I was making this as a latte, I took a sip of the matcha made with a bit of hot water and sugar and it tastes a nicer blueberry flavor, the sweetener hiding that blueberry tartness.
As a latte with soymilk and some sugar, this matcha becomes a nice mix of blueberry and creamy flavors, backed up with the depth of earthy matcha. I think I will at least sweeten this matcha, as I prefer the flavor more.

I find the Distinctive flavoring does a perfect job here – it does taste more blueberry than matcha, but still enough green tea taste to remind you its matcha.

I can’t wait to combine this matcha with my other flavored RLT matchas!


Mmmmm sounds delicious!

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6768 tasting notes

Backlogging from yesterday. Tasty! See other notes!

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807 tasting notes

I just made a blueberry matcha with:
Blueberry Matcha
Soy Milk
Non Dairy Vanilla Creamer
Whole blueberries – which reminded me of boba like in a boba tea!
Just poured into my Libre Tea glass – which I use often at home now for matcha blended in a hurry. I often don’t have time to make my matcha traditionally as I would like, as I am logged into work so this is how I do my matcha blends – cold matcha.
The Libre glass works well for this!
Anyway … this was so very very good!
When I shook the glass I feel like some of the natural blueberry juices were released making this a creamy, dreamy, blueberry vanilla delight!
I am almost out of the blueberry matcha too. This is sad because I always have blueberries in the fridge.
Oh well back on the TO ORDER list!

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516 tasting notes

Now I know this matcha isn’t terribly exciting (it’s no cheesecake, right?) and it’s not one of my favourite flavours (I wouldn’t seek out a blueberry anything really)… um.. yeah it’s kind of my favourite matcha right now!

It’s always SO creamy and sweet and juicy and PERFECT! So hello little blueberry matcha, thanks for being you! :D


Sounds yummy! Need to add that one to my growing list. :D


ohhh this one would be good with cheesecake too. I think I have to get this next if you don’t even like blueberry much and love it!

Daisy Chubb

YES blueberry cheesecake aaggghh I’m drooling


I have some but yet to try it! Can’t wait! :)

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1473 tasting notes

Now, I’m a Southern girl through and through, but I’m going to let you in on a little secret…I was born a Yankee. Yup, born in South Bend, Indiana and raised in Michigan until I was ten, when we moved to Tennessee. As a Michigander, I can say with complete confidence that Michigan blueberries are the best blueberries in the entire world. Blueberry season comes around and the state explodes into a world of deliciousness. You can stop at just about any roadside stand and get a ten pound box of blueberries, or you can head out to one of those you-pick places, if you’re feeling particularly energetic (or you’ve got young kids…I’m looking at you, Mom!). Blueberries played a huge role in my childhood. We would snatch up all the blueberries we could during the season and freeze them. Blueberry pancakes, muffins, and cobblers were served all year round, but my favorite blueberry dish was blueberry ice cream. It’s a real complicated recipe, y’all ready? You take frozen blueberries and pour cold milk over them. Yup. We’re a simple folk.

But my love of blueberries has come with me through my travels and life path. So when I spotted a blueberry matcha, my immediate reaction was one of “Um, heck yes, please!” The scent when I open the package is to die for. Oh my goodness, blueberry. In your face, juicy, sweet blueberry. My mouth is watering already.

The taste? Oh my. No, no, let me rephrase that. Imagine that I’m George Takei. Oh myyyyyy. Yep, it’s that good. George Takei “Oh myyy” inducing good. You know when you go into one of those bath and body stores, and you pick something blueberry up, smell it, and immediately tell your wife you wish you had something that tastes as good as it smells and then you lick it and it just plain doesn’t taste as good as you want it to? No? Just me? Well, this matcha tastes the way those soaps smell. Intensely blueberry and incredibly delicious. Juicy is just the word that comes to mind with every sip…it’s incredible. I have a few blueberry fans among my friends who will go ape over this.

This review brought to you by the letter M and the number 2, which is the number of cups of matcha I’ve had this morning in an effort to taste them all and get my reviews written…and it’s only nine o’clock. Pray for my wife, folks, she’s in for a crazy morning.

some crazy person who loves tea

As it turns out, I was born in Maine, and I will fight you to the death on your blueberries claim.


Putting in the good word for Nova Scotian blueberries. : )


I feel like I should exclaim that washington state blueberries are wonderful too. ;)


You are all welcome to your opinions, as wrong as they may be ;) <3!

Melody Luchich

I love them but in australia (qld) they’re super expensive and not quite as abundant :(

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639 tasting notes

So, does anyone else have baby fever?

I have serious baby fever. My biological clock started ticking the second I turned 26. I’ve since been trying to feel out my new husband and see where his feelings on the matter are. Perhaps I can convince him to start trying in 6 months…perhaps. ;)

It’s going to suck being pregnant and not getting to enjoy my sizable tea stash for 9+ months. Can you drink caffeine when you’re nursing? I still have a lot of research to do before becoming a mother. In this age of information overload, it can be hard to sift through all the myths and misconceptions to get to the truth. I just want to do what’s best for my child, so if that means no tea, then I’d better start drinking this stash down!

In order to further this goal, here’s another SIPDOWN! This swap sample came from Indigobloom. I’m not sure why it’s taken me so long to get to this one. I was on a matcha craze a while ago. I couldn’t get enough!

Wow, this one is SUPER frothy!! Hmm, the taste is surprisingly floral. Like really floral. It definitely tastes like blueberry, but it also tastes like flowers. If God made a blueberry flower, that’s what this matcha would taste like I imagine.

I gave some to my budding tea drinker husband and he agreed it was very perfume-y. Neither one of us liked it very much. Could it be age? It was stored in an air-tight container and was still very green. Hmm, I’ve really liked some of the other fruit flavored matchas, but this one just tastes too much like flowery perfume for me to find it drinkable. Oh well. Thanks to Indigobloom for sharing!

175 °F / 79 °C

Good tea review! Good luck with pregnancy and trying to get pregnant! :) I am currently pregnant and my husband and I had the baby fever a year ago! I am 28 now. I still drink tea, but limit myself to 1 black tea and 1 green tea per day at most. I know I can only have about a cup of coffee per day or 150mg of caffeine per day at most according to my OB. Unfortunately, a lot of herbs and additives, such as cornflower that are found in tea blends, I can’t have. I am not sure about nursing though. That would be good to know! Hopefully someone else has some insight. :)


I found it super flowery as well, and it was a bit fresher then! I got more of the same from a few other RL matchas as well. Strange!


Caffeine is generally considered a no-no but SO MANY things are unnecessarily demonized for pregnant women. Talk to your doctor (when the time comes) and do what you feel comfortable with. I actually don’t ever want to be pregnant but I do want children and have had baby fever for a few months now. It is tough to correlate those two…On top of that, I get married in a few weeks and people are constantly asking when we will have kids. Can’t I just get a little person without the pregnancy? If only adoption were a move feasible option.


@Uniquity, I know what you mean! I think we were engaged all of 10 minutes when one of the grandparents asked us when we were going to start having kids. During our marriage ceremony, the Pastor mentioned something about “if it’s God’s will to give them children…” and then multiple people made speeches about us bringing more good people into the world at the rehearsal dinner AND the reception, etc etc. My dad came up to me during the reception and said, “What’s all this talk about children?” I said, “Well, we do want kids eventually.” LOL! There’s definitely a lot of pressure.

Also, if you want to adopt, then DO IT!!! I think that adoption is the most selfless thing you can do with your life. I’ve always wanted to adopt, but my husband doesn’t share my views and really just wants children of his own making. Maybe I’ll be able to change his mind one day. I’m a huge advocate of adoption. If you want it, I hope and pray it works out for you.


i think adopting is amazing!


It is a weird thing to say but I would never qualify for adoption by my finances or my living situation – but of course if I had my own ‘naturally’ no-one could say I would be un-fit. I have wanted to adopt ever since I was a child myself. I’ve never been too interested in the pregnancy business.


I would encourage you to keep trying. You’d make a great mommy! :)


I have massive baby fever… but I’m not at all in a position where having kids would be a good thing! I intend to be married and employed first, so gotta put things off at least a few more years! Sigh.


I hear you. I’m finally married and employed, but it still feels like there’s so much to do! Pay off debt, get a safer car, organize the house and throw out stuff, the list goes on and on.

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