Dragon Pearl Jasmine

Tea type
Green Tea
Green Tea, Jasmine
Citrus, Floral, Jasmine, Smooth, Sweet, Flowers, Perfume, Sweet, Warm Grass, Bok Choy, Char, Cloves, Grass
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Felicia
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec 37 oz / 1099 ml

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105 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Here’s my celebratory Year of the Dragon tea! I have to remember not to over-tea myself on this one, which is hard not to do because it lasts for so many steeps. And it’s so delicious it’s hard to...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is a sample I received in my latest Harney and Sons order. I am going take a second to thank all the tea companies for giving out samples. I just think it is awesome. It seems like 10-15...” Read full tasting note
  • “I say go big or go home. So, when I decided that I wanted to do a little Harney & Sons vs. Samovar match up of course it turned into a much bigger ordeal than heating up a couple of cups of...” Read full tasting note
  • “I have been meaning to try this for a while. Thanks to Russel Allyn and Harney and Sons I can! They sent a free sample of the loose leaf version. I have only had one other Jasmine Dragon Pearl tea...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

This is a masterpiece from Fuan, China. Beautiful little hand rolled pearls are gently infused with the floral essences from Jasmine flowers. The tea is a delight to look at and its brew also delivers. The light colored brew is full of floral and sweet aromas. Always a delight.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

105 Tasting Notes

2201 tasting notes

Here’s my celebratory Year of the Dragon tea! I have to remember not to over-tea myself on this one, which is hard not to do because it lasts for so many steeps. And it’s so delicious it’s hard to stop drinking it!

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I just ordered a sample of two of their jasmine teas. I have never tried a Harney jasmine, pretty unbelievable Considering how many of the others I have ordered or sampled! You are making me wish I had ordered this!


I absolutely LOVE H&S Dragon Pearls .. And yes – it can easily out-steep my ability to keep drinking it lol :P


Ooo, thanks for that info! It will have to go on my next order then!

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169 tasting notes

This is a sample I received in my latest Harney and Sons order.
I am going take a second to thank all the tea companies for giving out samples.
I just think it is awesome.
It seems like 10-15 years ago when my Father first got into teas, it was not a common thing, so I am always pleasantly surprised when I do get some in a box.
On to Dragon Pearl Jasmine.
Which is my VERY first introduction to a Dragon Pearl Jasmine.
I must say when I opened the box, and saw this sample, I was so excited!
I have been wanting to try it since I came onto Steepster.
It seems to be a tea that either you really like it or you don’t.
Well, from the moment I opened the little sachet packet, it was like I bumped into a dear old friend.
I wore Jasmine perfume when I was younger and used a LUSH soap that smelled just like this tea.
I felt like I was young again!
Which is quite a feat since yesterday was my birthday and I am suffering from slight heat stroke today (playing too much in the sun on the water) and general feelings of ancient-ness creeping up on me.
If the smell was not enough to win you on this tea, the taste will.
Imagine a Jasmine flower with honey dripping off it…Yeah, thats how it tastes.
So, Harney and Sons, Thank you for the sample.
So, Steepster Friends, Thank you for introducing me to a tea that I had not even heard of before.
And thank you,Dragon Pearl Jasmine Tea, for making me feel young again…if not for a few minutes:)
I used SimplyJen’s recommendations for brewing this tea, since my little packet did not have any on it.
I think it was spot on Jen!

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Aweee Happy Bday and waht a LOVELY review! :)


Happy belated Birthday!!!!

Hesper June

Thank you, Ladies!
I wanted to add that this was a Sachet sample, but I have got 2 steepings out of it.I am trying a third as I type this…I pretty sure I am pushing it, but I just do not want to let it go!
I want to keep drinking it…..


:) Hope the third steep worked!

Hesper June

It really didn’t :(
It is only really good for two steepings.
But, oh how lovely those two steepings were…


:) Glad it was THAT good!


The first jasmine tea I had was terrible, then I tried Teavivre’s Jasmine Dragon Pealrs and fell in love. Two people who have had it with me made me order them some RIGHT AWAY! I want to try the Harney offering, too. I hear raves about it.

Hesper June

I can certainly understand their RIGHT AWAY response.
I had only had a few sips, and I was looking this tea up on their website and pondering their express shipping.
Which, I refrained from since the tea itself is not cheap (which is something I am realizing with all Dragon Pearl Jasmines,)
Apparently, this is a tea that I must not drink by the gallons…at least until I become a millionaire, that is.


Yay! So glad my ramblings are of use to someone!
Happy Belated Birthday!


Revel in your ancientness ;) (Scary when you start to discover you’re supposed to be the older, wiser one!)


Happy belated birthday!!! :)

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260 tasting notes

I say go big or go home.

So, when I decided that I wanted to do a little Harney & Sons vs. Samovar match up of course it turned into a much bigger ordeal than heating up a couple of cups of tea. I pulled out some of my camera equipment and set up a makeshift lighting situation. Not the best, but I think they came out decently enough.

For the sake of comparison purposes, I’m going to try to do this list style. Both teas are relatively giving in terms of steep time and temperature, so I used the same for both of them. I should also point out at this time that even after direct comparison, these two are neck-and-neck. I’m really splitting hairs at this point and obviously, since I’m no expert, this should really be taken for what it’s worth [like maybe a small animal]. In the absence of oyster crackers [since I believe those are supposed to be good palate cleansers] I used original flavored goldfish. It seemed official enough for my purposes. And HERE WE GO.

Perfumed to perfection. It smells decadently of jasmine – both the dry pearls and the steaming drink. It could be cloying, but since I only participate in moderation it’s simply intoxicating. There are no major differences between the scent of this tea and Samovar’s, but H+S is SLIGHTLY stronger.

Round Scent goes to Harney & Sons.

At the start, Dragon Pearl echoes a tingly sensation. Not tingly in a ticklish, bubbly sort of way, tingly like somewhere between your foot falling asleep and when you intake air quickly and suddenly and the air is REALLY COLD and it does a number on your lungs for a second. As it cooled slightly, it evened out. It’s weightier than Samovar’s, and it was also a little more textured. I’d call it grittier, though it really isn’t a gritty tea.

Round Texture goes to Samovar.

Things I Don’t Know Enough About
I’m not going to bother attempting to comment on the leaves because I really know nothing. As for things I simply observed, H+S seemed to have more leaves attached at the stem. They were bigger, but they also didn’t seem to unfurl as completely as Samovar’s. See for yourself. [Disregard coloring as I took some liberties there, except for the final leaf shot. That’s pretty true to what I see in real life.]
1 | http://twitpic.com/nfmev
2 | http://twitpic.com/nfml7
3 | http://twitpic.com/nfmug
leaf | http://twitpic.com/ng5r2
cup | http://twitpic.com/ng61c
all | http://twitpic.com/photos/takgoti

The main event! Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! Dragon Pearl doesn’t exhibit that jasmine sweetness for me until it has cooled somewhat significantly. In the beginning, most of the taste is in the aftertaste. I get a taste of something relatively bland in the liquid when held in the mouth, but there’s a that delicate jasmine taste towards the back of the mouth that makes itself present when air sweeps in. It remains, pleasantly, for quite some time.

I prefer to drink jasmine tea when it’s between hot and warm, and because the taste in this doesn’t begin to really kick in for me until it’s rapidly approaching warm, it leaves me a smallish window in which to enjoy it. Perfectly fine if I’m concentrating on the tea like today and can pace myself accordingly. However, I can see myself getting it annoyed if I waited, got distracted, and then missed the window. Overall, it’s a very good tea. However…

Round Taste goes to Samovar.

Not to be ignored. In the smaller quantity, the difference is negligible. If you like buying things in large quantities, however, H+S wins [Samovar also doesn’t go above 5.5 oz. for this particular tea]. I like to buy teas in small to medium quantities because I have a lot of them and I’d rather drink them while they’re awesome. For loose tea only at the time of this log, H+S’ pricing is…
$20 for 4 oz. | $5/oz.
$39 for 8 oz. | $4.88/oz.
$69 for 1 lb. | $4.31/oz.
And everything said and done, unless you’re buying Samovar’s small quantity [which runs much higher at $7.50/oz.] I’d base the overall decision on who typically supplies more tea for you.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec

I felt like such a dork reading that whole thing. And being captivated by it! And looking at the pictures!
Nice pics, by the way.


Grins You’re posts are always so much fun Takgoti.

Granted I’ve never tried Samovar’s teas but I LOVE Dragon Pearl Jasmine. Like you noticed the flavour comes out as it cools and it makes wonderful iced tea in that regards. I also find that the pearls don’t completely unfurl until the second steep.

BTW have you tested these for re-steeping quality? ;)


@JMKauftheil Haha, congratulations on making it through the woods. I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thanks!

@Jillian Oh no. Are you trying to kill me? [HAH.] I’ve resteeped Samovar before but have yet to do it with H+S. I haven’t tried EITHER iced before. Maybe I’d like it chilly in that regard. Battle Jasmine 2.0, the Iced Remix shall have to wait for another day.


LOL, well at least I’ll have something to look forward to later. We should start the UTC – Ultimate Tea Championship. XD


Great comparison! You are either a giant tea-nerd or you have too much time on your hands. Or both.

And what does it say about me that now I want to do something similar? (Well, aside from the fact that apparently I am a copy cat).


@Jillian OMG genius. That would be hilarious. Instead of weight classes we could do regions. I’m already thinking too much about this.

@Auggy I wouldn’t even limit it to TEA nerd. I broke the hyphen years ago. As for the time on my hands, I don’t know about that. I have a lot of stuff that I SHOULD be doing but that seemed like it would be more fun. Plus, I just finished midterms [WOOHOO] but all my friends are either working or studying until the weekend, so that was my version of decompressing. Well, that and Fat Princess. [And don’t fight it. You should. DO IT. DO IT. DO IT.]


That was magnificent and with photos!!!


Peer pressure!!!!


Oh wow I just found this review XD Where did you get that teapot and how much does it hold?! I want one 0.o


Hey Brian! It’s the Sontu teapot from Tea Forté. The infusing cup/filter is sold separately. I think I got my set from Paper Source, but I’m not entirely sure. Made to hold 12 oz.

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3486 tasting notes

I have been meaning to try this for a while. Thanks to Russel Allyn and Harney and Sons I can! They sent a free sample of the loose leaf version.

I have only had one other Jasmine Dragon Pearl tea and that is the one from Teavivre. I will try to compare and contrast the two teas as best I can. I gave some of the Teavivre pearls to a Teavana employee, and he said that the Teavivre ones seemed more earthy than Teavana’s. Let’s see how these two stack up.

Appearance: the pearls are very similar. Teavivre’s pearls are ever so slightly larger overall. I notice that the Harney and Sons says green and white blend on this page. I had not noticed that before.

Steeping: both smell great! Neither has a sickening, artificial perfume aroma, and that is important because my first jasmine tea experience was somewhat traumatizing.

Color: the liquor is very similar. Both are golden, but there is a tiny peach colored cast to the Teavivre when the level is low in the cup. When the cup is filled completely, the Teavivre tea is slightly darker. H&S remains golden.

Wet leaves: though the Harney pearls were smaller, the unfurled leaves are larger, especially in width. They are a bit lighter in color than Teavivre’s, which have more…stem?…attached. They are long and wiry.

Taste: wow, I feel so spoiled. Both are these are very good. The Teavivre tea is softer and smoother, the jasmine perhaps a tiny bit more pronounced up front with the tea flavor following, and it gains astringency as it cools.

The Harney and Sons tea tastes more like the greens I have been drinking for the past six months with just a hint of sour astringency at the front, and the jasmine following at the end. This is not a bad astringency I am referring to, but the palate cleansing property. I am getting that sweet, late rising aftertaste that comes with many greens, and I suspect the Harney and Sons tea is the source of that as I haven’t noticed it before drinking Teavivre’s, and the Harney tea has the sort of taste up front that I associate with teas that do that.

Summary: both are great. Teavivre’s version is jasmine followed by green tea flavor until it starts to cool. Harney’s is the opposite – green tea flavor that says, “Here I am!” followed by soft jasmine.

Different people and different tastes mean some will prefer one, some the other. I hope this review helps!

If you love jasmine tea, also try Harney’s tea just called Jasmine. It is incredibly inexpensive, you can drink it every day at the price, and very, very good. I actually preferred it over one of their more expensive jasmine loose leaf offerings.

Hesper June

I just tried this tea, and loved it so much!
It was my first taste of any kind of Jasmine Tea, so I do not know if that counts for a educated opinion.
I agree the tea has a very decadent feel to it, like you are really spoiling yourself and like it should almost be a naughty treat:)
I am sold on Jasmine Pearls and cant wait for my H&S order to come.
I also ordered H&S’s Jasmine Tea, I am hoping that it will satisfy my Jasmine cravings, so I do not drink up my pearls right away:)


I think you will really love their Jasmine tea! It was quite good. I tried to place an order for it a few keys back but they were sold out at the time. I saw it was back in stock!

Hesper June

Haha! maybe that was me, I bought them out and they finally got it back in stock;)


Glad you were finally able to do this side by side for us. Very nice!

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985 tasting notes

Tea of the evening…..
…..And a little experiment. I may be sorry for drinking a tea even with just a little caffeine this late, but it is the weekend. I am hoping my system can tolerate a jasmine pearl this late at night and not suffer insomnia from too much caffeine too late at night…..

I am really liking jasmine tea, lately. I have one that is a straight jasmine green and a few that are pearl jasmine like this one. I love the light floral notes in this type of tea as they are very relaxing. This example is very good. It definitely ranks up with the best I have tried (which really is only about three…..) I would consider purchasing when I cannot find a comparable tea on the market at a better price. This one comes out to about $5 an ounce. It resteeps very well. My second pot full (yes, I am incredibly hydrated after two 24 oz. pots of this!) was just as good as the first.

24 oz. teapot, just over 4 actual tsp tea, 175ish water, 3 minutes steep #1, 4 minutes steep #2. No additions.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I agree. The first Jasmine Black I tried from A Southern Season was so perfumey that I couldn’t drink it. I would y it every few months to see if my tastes had changed. Their dragon pearl jasmine was given away for the same reason. Then I got some good jasmine tea in a swap. YUM! And now the ones from Teavivre are becoming real favorites. Oddly, with all the Harney tea I have this is one of the few I haven’t tried from them. I may need to remedy that soon.


@ashmanra…. I only have a sample of this one…. I am pretty sure I will buy TeaVivre’s for price as it is very similar.


I have a sample of Teavivre’s and thought it was just aquatic up when the pearls began to unfurl. I plan on orienting theirs. Harney’s is rather expensive, I think, and I already know I love Teavivre’s! It is so soothing.


What? Crazy autocorrect! I thought it was just beautiful when the pearls unfurl. How that got changed as it did, I have no idea.


ashmanra- I read your sentence and thought you were like Shakespeare and pictured the pearls unfurling in water and rising to the top. Maybe there is something to this autocorrect :) :) :)


I agree with JacquelineM! By the second steep, the leaves were up to the top of my infuser. I have determined, that two pots is too much for the evening. We will try a mug with resteeps next time!


This is definitely my favorite jasmine pearl so far. I really enjoy the Teavivre pearls, but they’re not quite as perfect as these to me. And yeah, I always get especially over tea-ed with jasmine pearls because they keep giving such awesome flavor I never want to stop drinking them.

@ashmanra… that autocorrect was hilarious!


lol @ autocorrect!

This tea makes me really zingy – jittery almost if I have too many cups .. No way I could drink it at night ..

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1908 tasting notes

This tea was one of mu first from my foray into good-quality loose-leaf tea. I love the little pearls and, unlike Adagio’s Black Dragon Pearls which are more like balls (insert joke here), these actually are dainty little pearls of tea.

I wanted to watch the pearls expand properly so I cut open the sachet and dumped the contents into my strainer. I love watching this tea of tea unfurl – it’s almost like a work of art right in my mug. The jasmine is delicately-fragrant but not overpowering (ie. I don’t feel like I’m drinking perfume). I got two good infusions out of these leaves and I think I could easily get one or two more.

170 °F / 76 °C

I am so in love with jasmine pearl teas. I don’t know why, but there is something very soft and sweet about them.

Harney & Sons The Store

Have you ever tried resteeping? We generally get a good 3-4 steeps out of the DPJ, which for the price, is awesome! 2nd steep is the best imho.


Yes the 2nd steep definitely is the best – by that time the leaves have had time of unfurl and expose themselves to the water. I usually don’t resteep more than once because I tend to get bored with the same tea after two cups – yes I’m fickle. :)

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1445 tasting notes

When I think of nauseating, overpowering jasmine teas this is one of them.

This pretty pink tin of twenty tea bags was given to me as a birthday gift last year. It was an incredibly sweet thought and I had never seen pearls before this. The individual sachet bags are gorgeous; the leaves themselves look like delicately rolled bits of green and white cloth. At the time, the jasmine aroma reminded me of root beer.

This tea is consistent. The jasmine is exuberantly floral. Sometimes, I pick up a pleasant “salty” sweet finish. The flavours have a tendency to overwhelm and I can’t imagine following the suggested four minute steep.

Unfortunately, this isn’t one of those teas I find myself reaching for. I still have twenty tea bags. They must have given me extra because I’ve had this at least three times in the last year.. just did a count on my gifted Paris tin and, although it says “twenty sachets”, I counted twenty-one. Lucky me!

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec
Lady 0f Spaydes

I love super-jasmine. Jasmine has always beenn a good friend to me. When I was a kid and couldn’t sleep at night, i’d sneak outside and stare at the moon and I could smell jasmine from blocks away. :) Maybe it’s just me, but the more jasmine, the better!


Hi guys, i’m new here. Just to react to this. I’ve tasted my first jasmine tea this morning (Oriental Jasmine, twinings). Steeped in a french press. 4/5 minutes. P
A great smell for my flat. But it is really bitter.
erhaps you’ve got some suggestions for me.
The first tea without sugar i’ve drank is Christmas Tea. With an absolute pleasure.


I love the smell too; we even have a jasmine plant in the backyard! Embarrassingly however, jasmine, along with vanilla and honey, tend to make me feel faint. I’m a wimp.

Hi Greg, I’m somewhat of a tea novice as well! :) You could try reducing the steep time. If it’s a green or white jasmine tea you will also want to steep it in water just under boiling temperature. When I first started making green tea I always over-steeped it in boiling water and drank many bitter cups. Depending on the blend, white and green teas are often placed in temperatures anywhere from 72°C -93°C. Tea strength is impacted by steep time, temperature, and water/leaves ratio.


I hated jasmine until I tried Teavivre’s. did you know you can sign up for free samples on their website? They are generous, too, and I have yet to meet a Teavivre tea that was less than excellent.


@crowkette thanks for your tips. I’ll give jasmine another chance next time :)


@greg, no problem! :)
@ashmanra, I’ve been eyeing Teavivre’s website, and thier fancy tins, for a while. I’ve only heard good things and the have an extremely appealing shipping deal to boot. It will be a couple months before I can buy new tea though. I overspent myself badly.


@Crowkettle: I bet if you signed up for the free samples they would try to accommodate you if you request certain ones you are interested in! Then you could try now, buy later!

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576 tasting notes

Another goodie from QuiltGuppy! Jasmine is one of my favorite flavors and scents, and dragon pearl is one of my favorite varieTeas. ;) This one delivers! This is the bagged tea version but with the nylon bags the tea smells and tastes like the fresh, loose version! As it brews the fragrance of jasmine is so strong, which is nice. A coworker stopped by my office to see my new “jasmine candle” and left with a bag of the tea herself.

Thanks again, QG!


This is definitely one of my favorite jasmine pearl teas. I was already thinking of having some this afternoon, but now I definitely want to! :D


I need to revisit jasmine pearl teas. I had one from Southern Season when I first started drinking good tea and didn’t like it, but my tastes have changed a lot. I think I may throw a Harney sample in the cart next order.


The Adagio variety are pretty decent as well, especially for blending. I can send you one that QG sent me, if you’d like. She was too generous! :)


How about I send you some loose leaf Tower of London in exchange? :)

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411 tasting notes

Had this as the sachet – they state that brew up to 12 oz of water – but I think that’s a little light. Overall it seems like a decent pearl jasmine. Very light color, nice aroma.

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2977 tasting notes

made a very tepid cup of this to make up for my overbrewed kwazulu. Basically I just put a tbsp in some warmish water and let it sit in the “warming” area of the stove while I did 3other things. Eventually the pearls unfurled all the way. I had a few sips and its delicate – not the strongest I’ve ever made it, surely. Decided to have grapefruit soda with lunch, so I put most of this mug in the fridge to drink cold later.

140 °F / 60 °C 8 min or more

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