Gizmo's Midnight Snack

Tea type
Green Tea
Apricot, Banana, Green Tea, Raspberry, Sprinkles, Strawberry, Sunflower Petals, Walnuts
Blueberry, Sugar, Sweet
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Edit tea info Last updated by Lexie Aleah
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7 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Thank you VariaTEA for the share! I pulled this one out on the weekend to sip while watching some late night streams and the smell really spoke to me even though I couldn’t entirely figure out what...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve had this hot a couple of times and don’t recall being taken by it. It seemed okay, but not super exciting. I decided to sip this down by way of cold steeping, so I dumped the rest of the bag...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sample from VariaTEA. i’ve had this before and while i enjoyed the last of this cup, it is a really sweet cup of tea, which overpowers the green base. Enjoyable but nothing i need to have again.” Read full tasting note
  • “I bought a larger package of this tea solely because it was named after Gizmo the Gremlin, who I named a dog after since they looked alike. It has banana and berries and walnuts and has a strong...” Read full tasting note

From Happy Turtle Tea

A Gremlins inspired green tea blend.
Apricot, Banana, Banana Flavored Sprinkles, Candied Walnut, Flavoring, Green Tea, Raspberry, Strawberry, Sunflower Petals

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7 Tasting Notes

16875 tasting notes

Thank you VariaTEA for the share!

I pulled this one out on the weekend to sip while watching some late night streams and the smell really spoke to me even though I couldn’t entirely figure out what it was supposed to be. Steeped up I was a bit weirded out because it had that “banana candy” style banana flavour along with some other fruitiness to the undertones while also tasting pleasantly of walnuts. That seems like such a strange combination of flavours to me that, even though I liked it a lot, I was worried that my palate was completely off and misinterpreting whatever was actually in the blend. I take a lot of pride in my ability to name flavours blindly – and this mix was leaving me confused.

However, I just looked up the ingredients before writing my tasting note and… I kind of nailed it!? So now I’m just feeling proud of myself for putting together all of those flavours despite the fact they felt so discombobulated when I was tasting.

I look forward to the last cup of this soon – if it’s good too then I’ll definitely be adding this to my growing list of blends from Happy Turtle that I need to order larger amounts of.

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1777 tasting notes

I’ve had this hot a couple of times and don’t recall being taken by it. It seemed okay, but not super exciting. I decided to sip this down by way of cold steeping, so I dumped the rest of the bag into my pitcher and let it steep in the fridge overnight. At first it tasted bitter, maybe the walnuts were the culprit. I put some soy milk in with it and it was much more enjoyable. I get a hint of banana with some nuttiness to it. Like faint banana bread. It’s not incredible, but it is drinkable and between me and the other people in the house it’s getting drunk down. Would not buy again, however.

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15534 tasting notes

Sample from VariaTEA. i’ve had this before and while i enjoyed the last of this cup, it is a really sweet cup of tea, which overpowers the green base. Enjoyable but nothing i need to have again.

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6444 tasting notes

I bought a larger package of this tea solely because it was named after Gizmo the Gremlin, who I named a dog after since they looked alike. It has banana and berries and walnuts and has a strong banana runt smell so I am hoping it tastes good but if not, I bought it for the name and that’s on me.

Actually, its not bad. Thankfully. It’s mostly banana runts so if you like that flavor, this could work for you. It’s a green tea and I maybe get a touch umami but there really isn’t much green tea flavor while its hot. There also isn’t as much berry as you would expect from a tea that lists strawberries and raspberries as ingredients. Mostly just banana runts.

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553 tasting notes

I so wanted to love this one. Banana, Blueberries, Walnuts with a green tea base. . .it sounds amazing however I’m starting to see a theme with the Happy Turtle Teas where there is a lot of sugar or candied elements that overpower the blends. The first few sips are really lovely and you get this delightful banana blueberry flavor but as you continue to sip the sweetness really takes over. The green tea flavor is very slight too.

Truly not a bad blend, just think the sugar level is a bit high for me. I do really love how the banana blueberry flavor mingles.

Flavors: Blueberry, Sugar, Sweet


Love the title reference :)


Me too! And the illustration on the sample package is adorable.


My dog is named Gizmo after the Gremlins character so I bought a larger package of this solely based on that. It made sense at the time.

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