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Green Tea
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From Elikxir Kombucha

Feeling nostalgic? Our tasty root beer flavoured eliKxir kombucha offers the sweet taste of molasses and caramel combined with the nutty taste of quality organic green tea.

Just like foods do, this root beer flavour brings back feelings of comfort and well-being exactly when you need them. Above all, it does all of this in a healthy way that makes you feel wholesome again.

In this bottle you’ll find:
Fermented green tea, molasses, spices and caramel.

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1 Tasting Note

16875 tasting notes

Not my last tea of 2018 – just a tea that I had yesterday but hadn’t logged yet.

I’ve had root beer flavored kombucha before; in my opinion it’s a complete stroke of genius. This company is new to me, but their flavours seemed exciting so when I saw them at one of the grocery stores here in Montreal, I grabbed two different kinds of kombucha to try for myself.

I like this; it’s a touch too lemony to seamlessly taste like root beer to me but all the elements for what I’d want in a root beer flavored drink are there so if I don’t focus on the slight acidic lemon/vinegary notes it’s VERY easy for me to just think I’m drinking a nice root beer. That molasses/caramel/dark sort of sweetness, the creamy vanilla, that little bit of cinnamon sort of spice that weirdly completes it all!? Only things that would punch up the flavor further for me are sarsaparilla and wintergreen; but they are NEEDED to achieve the profile. I just think they’d kick the richness up a notch.

Yummy though! Something totally worth getting again.

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