Double Berry Burst

Tea type
Fruit Green Blend
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Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 30 sec 16 oz / 473 ml

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18 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Seriously, I can’t even begin to describe how incredibly berrylicious this tea is! AMAZING! Pure real blueberry/cranberry flavour is what I’m getting, and it’s way better than I would have...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m a little disappointed with this one, gotta say. There’s something in it that just doesn’t fit. The dry mix includes little dried purple flowers but the ingredients listing only says: green...” Read full tasting note
  • “hmmm yeah this is not the tea for me. I suspect it’s due to the flowers that are in it but then again maybe not. This is like a weird tasting green soap flower almost berry tea. Ick. I’ve...” Read full tasting note
  • “YAY! No Hibiscus!!! Green tea, raspberries, blueberries, blueberry flavoring!!! This has a sweeter Green tea base with lovely-plumpy-juicy raspberries and blueberries! It’s not tart! It’s very...” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

Not all green teas are equal, and this tea shows why. The gentle taste of classic sencha green tea infused with flavor of real raspberries and blueberries. Perfect for any time of the day!

Ingredients: Green tea, raspberries, blueberries, blueberry flavoring

Suggested brewing tips:
Serving Size: 1 level tsp./6oz serving
Water Temp: 158-167°F
Steep Time: 1-3 minutes

About Della Terra Teas View company

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18 Tasting Notes

6117 tasting notes

Seriously, I can’t even begin to describe how incredibly berrylicious this tea is! AMAZING! Pure real blueberry/cranberry flavour is what I’m getting, and it’s way better than I would have imagined. I’m very picky about flavoured greens, and honestly wouldn’t have picked this one myself, I just jumped on it when Sil wanted to try it, and that was such a good decision :) This is pretty much the perfect hibiscus-free berry tea. I don’t frankly care if it’s artificially flavoured, because it is so good!

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Lol. Well glad you liked it :)


This is the last one of my Della Terra order I have yet to try… I should probably do that!


I was surprised!

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357 tasting notes

I’m a little disappointed with this one, gotta say. There’s something in it that just doesn’t fit. The dry mix includes little dried purple flowers but the ingredients listing only says: green tea, raspberries, blueberries, blueberry flavoring. If I had to guess I would say this might include lavender? I could be wrong though…hmmm…I kind of hope so, I really don’t like when ingredients lists are inaccurate or incomplete.

It was worth a try but this isn’t a tea I plan to keep stocked in my cupboard.

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15519 tasting notes

hmmm yeah this is not the tea for me. I suspect it’s due to the flowers that are in it but then again maybe not. This is like a weird tasting green soap flower almost berry tea. Ick. I’ve tossed the rest of it into cold brew for tomorrow to see if maybe that will bring out the berry flavours. If it does, this might be ok for a summer tea but otherwise…no way.

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6768 tasting notes

YAY! No Hibiscus!!!
Green tea, raspberries, blueberries, blueberry flavoring!!!

This has a sweeter Green tea base with lovely-plumpy-juicy raspberries and blueberries! It’s not tart! It’s very good! I think this is my fave from Della thus far!


You ought to call yourself TeaEqualsBlissUnlessItHasHibiscusInIt. :o)

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1220 tasting notes

Ok, I didn’t look this tea up before making it and the water temperature called for is insanely lower than what I used.

But it actually tastes just fine. I thought as it cooled it might get bitter, but that hasn’t happened thankfully.

Berry burst is right! This is seriously bursting with berry flavors. I predominantly taste blueberry and raspberry, of course these are what are in the tea, but I swear when you mix these two together you can almost get a bit of a blackberry taste.

The flavor is just like ripe, juicy berries. This is probably more of a summer tea, but it’s so sweet and fruity that I’d drink it any time. In summer though I would definitely make this cold steeped. I believe this is just from a try me pack, one I won on Facebook too I think, so I definitely plan to buy more next year to do just that!

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1501 tasting notes

OMGsrsly sent this to me to show me there was more than the pancake syrup maple-flavored tea I was getting out of most of Della Terra’s offerings. Many thanks!

I needed to add some Truvia to this to make it more juicy, and although this amped up the floral notes, I still found it tasty.

EDIT: Wow. There’s definitely something floral in here – I mean, I can see the flower buds. Zero in the ingredient list though. Not cool.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 30 sec

we really need to start that labelling CFIA discussion thread so at least people are aware.


Eurgh! I totally didn’t notice that. :/


Agreed! Let’s just start it…


Oh, not your fault! I missed it too. I’m fine with florals, I just usually prefer them out of my tea. Not always though – sometimes they really work. I’m flexy.

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4324 tasting notes

I thought I would like this one more! I’ve heard such nice things about it… but this one tastes just like the cough drop flavor that I didn’t like in the Raspberry White Melange. I didn’t get much of a blueberry flavor either. It’s odd that there were flowers in the blend, but no flowers listed in the ingredients on my bag. I really wish this one didn’t have that cough drop flavor, as I know I would have liked it. Oh well, just not my thing I guess!


Yeah, I did get similar flavours with this one and Raspberry White Melange, but definitely preferred Double Berry Burst, and it didn’t come off cough drop-y to me (thankfully). I have noticed that Della Terra fails to accurately list ingredients quite frequently. I have no food allergies, so I don’t really care, but it’s worrisome for those who do…


Yeah, I don’t have allergies to anything either, but I was thinking of others who might have allergies.


Made it taste like soap!

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106 tasting notes

There’s lavender in this tea! Its even in the picture! But not in the ingredients. Which I do NOT like one bit. With that said, I didn’t even tell my brother but he tasted it and immediately said “honestly. this tastes like soap” and while I enjoyed the tea I could see where he was coming from. Why is there lavender? Why? Its BERRY. So weird. steeped for 1.5 minute first infusion and 3 minutes second.

190 °F / 87 °C 1 min, 30 sec

Odd. I neither noticed nor tasted the lavender (but wasn’t looking for it so it easily could have been in there). Will have to pay more attention next time.


There are blue flowers in it!

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254 tasting notes

Tea #15 from Traveling Tea Box C

Oh, my goodness! This is liquid Starburst! I’m glad my husband likes it, because I’m not sure I could do the cup justice on my own.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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615 tasting notes

Tea #19 from Traveling Tea Box C

I did this one as a cold steep, because I love iced fruity teas. But this one ended up tasting really odd. The berry flavor was there and the primary flavor, but there was a soapy, almost minty weird that I’m crediting the lavender (pretty sure it’s lavender, anyway) with. The berry flavor was just so-so. I just really don’t seem to care for a lot of Della Terra’s artificial flavoring.

The good news was that Fiance liked it and was more than happy to finish off the rest of my cup.

Iced 8 min or more

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