Sleepy Lychee

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Not available
Floral, Fruity, Jasmine, Lychee, Apple, Chrysanthemum, Juicy, Pepper, Perfume, Sweet, Lemongrass
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 8 min or more 12 oz / 354 ml

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11 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sipdown I haven’t been sleeping as well as I’d like to. Been getting Charlie horses in my leg for a few nights (I’m not going to assume it’s cramping from working out, so I’ll have the doctor look...” Read full tasting note
  • “TTB tea! This does taste a little like lychee! It’s light and fruity. Not my favorite, but not bad! I wish the flavor were even stronger and juicier, but I do enjoy the authentic flavor. Sometimes...” Read full tasting note
  • “According to my daughter, “That’s really good!” She is gulping it down. I don’t mind it but not my favorite. I love lychee but something about this blend is too appley for me. IT really coats the...” Read full tasting note
  • “TeaTiff TTB #10 I enjoyed this more than the Lemon Lullaby as a fruity bedtime tea, though it was a bit too floral for my tastes (I’m not the biggest fan of jasmine and didn’t realize it was in...” Read full tasting note


How it tastes
Flavors of slightly sweet preserved lychee with a strong jasmine finish

It’s time to upgrade your bedtime routine. This delicate & fruity gold blend is rooted in sweet lychee with a myriad of floral jasmine notes. If you’re familiar with jasmine, we think you’ll agree that the scent alone brings a sense of calm. We then mixed in delectable lime tree blossoms & relaxing lemongrass. Nighty night, tea fam.

What makes it great
• This sleepy-time infusion features lime tree blossom, rose blossoms and aromatic & floral lychee.
• Lime tree blossoms are loved for their relaxing properties.
• Intoxicating aromas of sweet lychee & floral jasmine.

Ingredients: Apple (apple, citric acid), Lemongrass, Carrot, Bean peel, Candied pineapple (pineapple, sugar), Apple (apple, ascorbic acid, salt, citric acid), Sweet blackberry leaves, Natural (lychee, jasmine) flavouring, Lime tree blossoms, Rose petals, Marigold blossoms, Lychee.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

11 Tasting Notes

334 tasting notes


I haven’t been sleeping as well as I’d like to. Been getting Charlie horses in my leg for a few nights (I’m not going to assume it’s cramping from working out, so I’ll have the doctor look into it). The joys of aging, as they say. Anyway, I wanted to brew some sleepy time tea toward the end of the shift, and this was right on top of the sipdown pile.

I could stay all day in the dry leaf section of this tea. The lemongrass, apple, and florals all blend beautifully together. I brewed this for a while (until the water became room temp) and tossed it back after adding to ice. There was a blast of fruity flavors, and the lemongrass added a slight citrusy bite that was perfect. I slept like a baby until 06:00.

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2564 tasting notes

TTB tea! This does taste a little like lychee! It’s light and fruity. Not my favorite, but not bad! I wish the flavor were even stronger and juicier, but I do enjoy the authentic flavor. Sometimes it’s a little herbaceous or plain.

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1314 tasting notes

According to my daughter, “That’s really good!” She is gulping it down. I don’t mind it but not my favorite. I love lychee but something about this blend is too appley for me. IT really coats the tongue.

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986 tasting notes

TeaTiff TTB #10

I enjoyed this more than the Lemon Lullaby as a fruity bedtime tea, though it was a bit too floral for my tastes (I’m not the biggest fan of jasmine and didn’t realize it was in this blend when I picked it to try). The lychee flavor was really nice, though!

Flavors: Floral, Fruity, Jasmine, Lychee

Boiling 8 min or more 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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4330 tasting notes

Sipdown! (3 | 192)

Another cold-brewed tea. I don’t generally drink iced/cold tea, but I’ve been enjoying it lately so taking the opportunity to get through some sipdowns while I can.

I like lychee, but this wasn’t my favorite. I think it’s because lychee is already quite floral on its own, and here it’s paired with jasmine. Maybe if it had been a scented tea, I would’ve liked it better. But jasmine flavoring is used instead, which tastes a bit too perfumey for me. Otherwise, it has a nice lychee flavor to it, and the apple adds a gentle sweetness. Something has slight peppery notes to me, like chrysanthemum, but there is none here.

Anyway, not a bad tisane, just not to my personal tastes. Happy to have it finished!

Flavors: Apple, Chrysanthemum, Floral, Jasmine, Juicy, Lychee, Pepper, Perfume, Sweet

Iced 8 min or more

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1301 tasting notes

Day 15 of DavidsTea herbal advent calendar. This blend was so appealing to me when it came out! I didn’t buy it because of the sulfites warning – sulfites are a potential migraine trigger – but I’m happy to have a little bit to at least sample!

I find this too sweet and juicy for a bedtime tea, but very enjoyable otherwise. It’s got a strong, juicy lychee flavor with a supporting note of lemongrass. It’s also lightly floral on the back end. The flavors in this are cleaner and more complex than a lot of DT herbal blends, and even though it’s sweet it doesn’t taste sugary or overly sweet. I really like it, especially cold. It makes for an exceptionally good tea soda too. Bummer that there are sulfites in this and I couldn’t get it.

Flavors: Floral, Lemongrass, Lychee

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6117 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 160)

Doesn’t have chamomile, so I decided to go for it! This does taste kind of bland like a sleepytime tea, with some overtones of fruity-floral lychee. It’s perfectly drinkable, just not my style. Although, I am now yawning so maybe it’s doing something?

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1959 tasting notes

Sipdown 122-2021
Finished this off as a coldbrew with honey. The lychee scent is absolutely divine. The front of the sip is juicy, and tastes like biting into a fresh lychee. However, there is a really strong perfumey flavor at the end of the sip and in the aftertaste. The perfumey flavor is so distracting, it’s difficult to enjoy the fresh, juiciness.

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16863 tasting notes

Adventaggedon Day 15: Tea 1/8

Cold Brew!

Thank you to everyone who commented or reached out to wish me well. I still think my bite it wrong and I’m going to have to go back to the dentist to get it fixed, but I’m feeling much better overall today and aside from some mild discomfort while eating no pain today…

I was pumped to see this in my assortment since it’s one of my favourite teas to have come out this year. Or, at least, I think it was this year? To be honest 2020 and 2021 definitely kind of blur together at a certain point. It’s such a juicy and fresh tasting lychee though with a nice floral undertone. I love it chilled and so this cold brew was especially refreshing since my apartment is continuing to be a bit of a sauna – less so that yesterday though.

Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.

Evol Ving Ness

Good to hear that you are on the mend today, Ms. Strange. Hopefully, the fix will not be a big deal.

Also, heat. Yyeow! Montreal winters are bad enough without tropical heat inside.

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