David's Breakfast Blend (Organic)

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Earthy, Malt, Smooth, Tannic, Earth, Metallic, Tea, Black Currant, Cream, Irish Cream
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Kosher, Organic
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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11 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This is a fine breakfast blend; a little bit of brightness in a black tea. I sipped it a bit hot (200F, 3m) before going for iced tea instead, and it pairs wonderfully with orange in iced tea. I am...” Read full tasting note
  • “I really like this tea. Perfect breakfast tea with milk and sugar.. nice and strong but expensive . It’s little bits of tea and maybe overpriced. 10 dollars for under two ounces when you can get 4...” Read full tasting note
  • “Admittedly, black tea is not my favourite but with that being said, this wasn’t half bad. I received one tea bag as a freebie in with one of my David’s orders ages ago and just got around to...” Read full tasting note
  • “DAVIDsTEA Advent Calendar 2021 – Day 17 Last day of work until after Christmas, yaaaay! \o/ Anyway, this is fine. It’s a generic sort of breakfasty tea. I think the Assam is slightly stronger...” Read full tasting note


How it tastes
Classic full-bodied black tea flavour with a naturally sweet honey finish.

What if your morning had a bold beginning? We’ve carefully chosen our favourite organic Assam and Ceylon black teas and found the perfect balance of full-bodied flavours and subtle sweetness. It’s the kind of tea that puts you in a great mood, inspires harmonious relationships and makes you outrageously productive. We suggest it with a splash of milk. Is there a better way to start your day?

What makes it great
• This caffeinated blend is the perfect companion to your morning toast.
• Amazing solo but even better with a splash of milk or lemon.

Organic black tea from Assam, India and Ceylon, Sri Lanka.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

11 Tasting Notes

294 tasting notes

This is a fine breakfast blend; a little bit of brightness in a black tea. I sipped it a bit hot (200F, 3m) before going for iced tea instead, and it pairs wonderfully with orange in iced tea.

I am torn between feeling like I need more practice in drinking and distinguishing different black teas and not wanting to do it because I just don’t enjoy straight black tea all that much. Maybe it would elevate my iced tea?

DAVIDsTEA Around the World Advent, Day 21

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280 tasting notes

I really like this tea. Perfect breakfast tea with milk and sugar.. nice and strong but expensive . It’s little bits of tea and maybe overpriced. 10 dollars for under two ounces when you can get 4 ounces of Harney free shipping under ten. I think the Irish breakfast is most comparable if my memory serves. I like it… prolly wont buy it again…

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1159 tasting notes

Admittedly, black tea is not my favourite but with that being said, this wasn’t half bad. I received one tea bag as a freebie in with one of my David’s orders ages ago and just got around to drinking it now.
It brewed up a nice deep golden brown colour. The flavour was much milder, smoother and less bitter than I was expecting which was a pleasant surprise. It pretty much tastes like your usual breakfast tea but this one is definitely better than your average, run-of-the-mill variety.
I stayed up too late last night, binging Season 2 of Cheer on Netflix so this tea worked well for me this morning, assisting me with a much needed boost.
I do love that it re-steeped quite well and managed to retain a good amount of flavour.
I enjoyed my complementary bag but have no need to purchase it.

Flavors: Earthy, Malt, Smooth, Tannic

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4330 tasting notes

DAVIDsTEA Advent Calendar 2021 – Day 17

Last day of work until after Christmas, yaaaay! \o/

Anyway, this is fine. It’s a generic sort of breakfasty tea. I think the Assam is slightly stronger than the Ceylon, but I do taste both. It’s slightly brisk even with a 2-minute steep, which I opted for after seeing the CTC leaves. Somewhat malty, fairly metallic from the Ceylon. Mostly tastes tea-ish. The description mentions a sweet honey finish, but I’m not tasting that.

Pretty much a resounding “meh” for me.

Flavors: Earth, Malt, Metallic, Tannic, Tea

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML


Martin Bednář

I envy you! But in a good way.

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48 tasting notes

A nice creamy and malty breakfast blend. Not too aggressive/assertive but a good standard breakfast blend. Creamy rather than astringent. I would probably not like it to be iced. A hint of creme de cassis/black current as well, which I love.

Flavors: Black Currant, Cream, Irish Cream, Malt

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

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606 tasting notes

I ended up with enough of this tea to fill one of those wall tins from DavIdsTea plus a tinzilla as we use to call it (holds about 250g).
One year later, I’ve drank it all. Yep. I drank that much over a year. This has been my comfort tea this past year. It’s been the only thing I’ve wanted to drink over the last year, and I’m ok with that. I have needed the comfort tea because of the world craziness. But as things are starting to look l Ike they might be getting better (hopefully????) I’m going to get back to drinking other teas and hopefully not just focus on my comfort teas.

Here’s hoping the rest of the year goes well!

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102 tasting notes

A fairly straightforward and simple breakfast tea – which is fine with me: it does its job early in the morning to wake me up and ease me into the day.

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37 tasting notes

Much like the leaves, the taste of David’s Breakfast Blend is purposely simple. Although black teas are often quite bitter to me, I find this blend earthy and smooth. A flavor that would go well with milk, as a simple latte or just plain by itself.

Flavors: Earth, Smooth

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34 tasting notes

Like an upgraded Breakfast tea.

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16875 tasting notes

Adventaggedon Day Twenty One – 1/6

A classic! I made this one as a smaller teacup of tea with a splash of eggnog. Not enough to make it a full blown latte, but just enough to give more creaminess to the taste and mouthfeel and a hint of that custard sweetness.

It’s really robust and malty with a touch of earthiness. Definitely all the things I would expect from a breakfast blend. My preference is actually for the Irish Breakfast that was earlier in the advent, but this is a solid option too!

Today’s Advent Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CmciwMSufdM/

Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03L455JgO-c

Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.

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