Wild Black Yunnan

Tea type
Black Tea
Organic Black Tea
Smooth, Sweet, Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Earth, Honey, Malt, Cocoa, Dark Bittersweet, Sweet Potatoes, Cream, Floral, Licorice, Wet Earth, Broth, Dirt, Forest Floor, Hay, Tobacco, Vegetables, Coffee, Astringent, Wood
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 4 g 11 oz / 332 ml

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78 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Mmmm… Thanks again CrowKettle for getting me to try this tea! :O Now I know I love Yunnan teas. I even over-steeped this one and it was still great, albeit a bit malty. (Sidenote: albeit is a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Giving this tea more props today. While it is pricey, it is delicious. It can take a beating and not get bitter, and it is very rich and cocoa with a hint of pepper underneath that. Could be my...” Read full tasting note
  • “Guuuuuuuuh!!! This is so amazing! How much is this? Is it a lot? I need to a buy a giant tin of this, and then another tin so the first tin can have a friend! Oh, it’s somewhat expensive… Maybe...” Read full tasting note
  • “I actually found this tea to be quite tasty! It seems I’m definitely developing a taste for straight black tea. This tasted very similar to other yunnan blacks I’ve tried, so it’s nothing I would...” Read full tasting note


How tea should taste
In Yunnan province in southern China, ancient tea trees still grow wild in the forests. They can be hundreds, even thousands, of years old. Purists rave about the rich brown colour of the steeped tea, the aroma of sweet forest floor, the clean, natural finish. Our wild black Yunnan uses small, new leaves plucked from wild-growing trees, tightly twisted to preserve their natural flavour.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

78 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

Mmmm… Thanks again CrowKettle for getting me to try this tea! :O Now I know I love Yunnan teas. I even over-steeped this one and it was still great, albeit a bit malty. (Sidenote: albeit is a pretty sweet word eh? :P)

So this was a sipdown. I know I’ll need to replace it, but maybe not with this one. I have had better Yunnan’s, although not from companies that are as easy to buy from as DavidsTea. Yunnan reminds me of Zen’s Phoenix Pearls, which reminds me of Verdant’s Laoshan Black. Yunnan is the poor man’s Laoshan Black?

Oh – I’ve spent more time here than I have on facebook/twitter combined. I <3 Steepster!

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

Oh, I love Zen’s Phoenix Pearls way more than Laoshan. I don’t really see a comparison.. the Laoshan seems completely different to me.. maybe I should try another cup.


I should’ve ordered some Phoenix Pearls when I went to stock up on coconut oolong. Everyone seems to love that tea.


I prefer the Phoenix Pearls, probably because they are “laoshan black lite” – less strong, less earthy, less roasty. :) Every time I check, they’re out of stock. Makes me so sad!


Has anyone found an alternative to Zen’s Phoenix Pearls? Just curious as I thought it was a fairly common type of tea.

Glad I’m not the only one who considers it laoshan-black-lite. :)

CrowKettle – have you tried it at all? I might have enough to send you a sample.


(I’d send some to OMGsrsly but if you’ve had it before, my meager sample won’t go far!)


I have some! I’m just scared of running out and then not being able to find it again. I’ve never seen them offered anywhere else, and took a chance on the tea and love it.


Yes! I know that feeling! I was hoping to find a replacement too, just because I’ve heard a bit about their poor customer service and I don’t like to support that if I can get the product elsewhere!


I totally forgot about this tea: http://steepster.com/teas/teavivre/26683-fengqing-dragon-pearl-black-tea. My impression was that it was just as good, if not better, than the Zen Tea.


Looks like the phoenix pearls might be an iron goddess. It’s so hard to tell because we don’t have all the information.


those teavivre ones are the ones i am trying to see if i want as a staple…versus teavanas or possibly the other company that nicole recommended


OMGsrsly -it IS hard. All I know is its made with Yunnan leaves, like the teavivre ones. Ilu Yunnan!


Sil – I’ll keep an eye out on which one you choose. This should be a staple for non-Laoshan Black days!


I have yet to try them but I’ll get around to it in a few months.
I still have sample of the Teavivre pearls too, to try.

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709 tasting notes

Giving this tea more props today. While it is pricey, it is delicious. It can take a beating and not get bitter, and it is very rich and cocoa with a hint of pepper underneath that. Could be my favourite DT tea ever. MMM!

Daniel Scott

Oooh! I’ve never tried this one, and I do like Yunnan blacks. Shopping list!

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1442 tasting notes

Guuuuuuuuh!!! This is so amazing! How much is this? Is it a lot? I need to a buy a giant tin of this, and then another tin so the first tin can have a friend! Oh, it’s somewhat expensive… Maybe just one tin, then.

After trying the Kenyan Tinderet tonight, I was wary of getting kicked in the butt by another straight black tea so I steeped it at exactly three minutes. I needn’t have worried, however, as this tea seems much more user friendly.

First impression: hot wet leaves smell even more horrifying than Tinderet or Nepal Black. They’re like dirt, and fallen leaves, and dampness, and strong beer, and (vegetarian) Fenrir’s breath, and… they’re immense! When they’ve cooled down the leaves have a decadently sweet aroma. Very Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde- or maybe I’m just crazy.

Second Impression: That is the most amazing creamy sweet finish in the entire solar system!!! The tea is jam-packed with floral honey awesomeness with a dash of something peppery. It also has a bit of that typical black earthy body but I’m too distracted by that end bit to really dissect what’s happening in the first part right now.

I know the list may be short but this has now become my top black tea. That it’s 3:40am right now may be the cause of this reaction but this may be one of the best things to happen to me, tea-wise.

I’m so very glad I ordered some more Yunnan from Verdant the other day. Since I don’t know my straights very well I just picked a bunch of things at random. If the Zhu Rong Yunnan Black, or even the Yunnan White Jasmine, are anything like this one it will be a very good time. I’ll likely be speechless.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I had recently another tea a bit like that – I do not like the smell, oh no indeed, it was a mistake. But as soon as it got even the hint of water (the steam from the pot) it became magic! I usually decide to buy using my nose, and it was humbling that some of the best things I ever had I would not have bought if I had trusted only nose! I got to keep that in mind in the future.


And Yunnan can be so good indeed!


It’s something I need to keep in mind too. I never would have bought this tea, and many others, based on aroma. The dry leaves smell like an average black tea and the hot damp ones are appalling!

I might be jumping to conclusions with this first impression of Yunnan, ever, but I think I’m in love. I don’t know if this particular Yunnan will be the one to have a final place in my cupboards but there will definitely always be some kind of Yunnan now.


The creamy aftertaste is still there after finishing my cup an hour ago.


It sounds like a winner! And you are so right about the scent. I am just having something which is oh so lovely (the white peony from peony Tea S) and where the dry leaf smells wonderfully and each steep is great – but oh my, some of the infusions did not smell nice while it was steeping, way too grassy or harsh. It did not pass to the liquor though! Magic. Tea is really not obvious.


Added to shopping list! I’d better try at least 20g of this because you make it sound so good!


I hope you experience even half the joy that I got out of this tea if you end up getting some! Even if you don’t, I felt like it was an eye-opener to try a Yunnan; it has a quirky taste profile :)

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6107 tasting notes

I actually found this tea to be quite tasty! It seems I’m definitely developing a taste for straight black tea. This tasted very similar to other yunnan blacks I’ve tried, so it’s nothing I would necessarily go for specifically again, but it’s a perfectly tasty cup, again courtesy of Janelle :)

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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1040 tasting notes

Black Tea of the Day Continued. This is what I’ve been looking for. It has some of the characteristics of a black tea that I like. Cavocorax wrote in their tasting notes that this might be a poor man’s Laoshan Black. I totally agree with that. It’s obviously not of the same quality as Laoshan Black, but it’s in that family.
This is a decent tea, I could take this to work. I found that it didn’t really steep very well. The second steep was really weak and I didn’t even bother with a third. So all things considering, this doesn’t have the depth of flavor, and you don’t get as many cups out of the leave – this isn’t really that cheap.
The good news is, that I will be looking at other Yunnan Blacks from other sources. This has helped narrow the search. Tomorrow Assam…..


I find that a lot of DAVIDsTEA’s don’t resteep well, so I don’t usually bother anymore unless I steep it for a long time.

Ooooh, Assam! I think Yunnan and Assam’s are my favourite types of black teas. Hope you like the one for tomorrow.


Sorry, I stole your line, but it was so fitting.
I think really that’s all this experiment is all about, I want to be able to say/know which types are my favorites. Will look for better quality once I’ve found those couple of types. Yunnan is one of them. :)) I hope Assam is the other, but will take some oolong with me to work just in case.


I don’t mind at all. :) It means I must have been particularly clever that day! Haha.

And I hope you have fun with the experimenting.


You’re reviews are continuing to be so informative and helpful – I’m going to try this one.

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525 tasting notes

Finally, cup of black tea that fulfills my cravings. Dark cocoa. Hint of vanilla pastry aroma. Bit of malt. Roasted, but not too much. It tastes a bit untamed and unrefined. Just a bit of unpleasant harshness. But still, Yunnan black! Delicious Yunnan black. Just what I needed all weekend.

Okay, so I’m probably just making is sound really good because this is the closest I’ve come to a black tea tasting the way I want it to in a few days. It’s probably just above mediocre for a Yunnan black tea, at best. There are better ones out there. But I haven’t had any better ones lately, and that makes all the difference for excitement levels.
This reminds me of that time I went camping with my friends and we didn’t have anything resembling fresh veggies or fruits for daaaaays! On the way home, we stopped at a diner and that minuscule side of soggy from-the-freezer string beans was the best thing I had ever eaten. But I digress.

I knew this was going to be what I’ve been craving all weekend the moment I opened the bag. Roasted dark chocolate aromas wafted up to me. The brewed tea is a clear orangey black. Pretty and tasty.

Steep 2: Unfortuately, not chocolatey on the second steep. Just kind of generic now.

Their Gyokuro Black is better.

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230 tasting notes

O… M… G!!

Sweet! Literally. I wish it had been tasty enough to keep my attentions long enough to finish it. But I will admit this would make a fabulous weekend tea (if only because of the sweetness)

I did not detect any other flavours, but I would not doubt that I either understeeped of the water was not hot enough – I was a little distracted this morning: “Are you kidding me?! A December Rain Storm in AUGUST!!?! WTF?!”


Sounds lovely to me.. both the tea and the rain. We have a lack of “weather” here in Southern California. sigh


I just hope the rain doesn’t mean our rainy season is starting 10wks early


I love this tea!! You should try their Black Nepal Tea, it’s even sweeter tasting.

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377 tasting notes

Thanks to Taite for allowing me to try this one. I made this up bolting out the door for another edition of morning news. Today it turns out I am the lone newscaster on the grassy knoll since I am the only newscaster in the building not sick. So I take my first sip. Mmmm this is tasty. A little malty and grainy. That flavor I’ve come to enjoy from Yunnan black that reminds or potatoes. More so like natural fair french fries. Maybe I’m wrong on this but it kinda seems like a Yunnan hybrid to me. The characteristics remind both of a Keemun and that of a Bai Lin Gonfu. I poured into my Gryffindor travel mug that reminds my of our family moon that we took to Florida. In lieu of a honeymoon my wife’s aunt gifted us a trip to Florida so my wife, daughter and I got to take a trip after we were married. So we got to go to Universal and take the kiddo to Disney. So I finished it half way through the drive to work and was wishing there was more. I’m glad there’s more at home….I’ll just have to brew and entire pot.

Jim Marks

I need to try a Yunnan black. I love the Yunnan golden teas so very very much.

Steven Cook

i need to try any yunnan tea besides my nine dragon golden needles by teavana….

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813 tasting notes

i can’t believe i bought this SO LONG AGO and it took until now to taste it!

it’s good. seriously a good tea.
malty for sure. with a sort of rainwater quality.

next time i’m ordering on-line and need to get my cart to $50 for free shipping i will probably add this tea.

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110 tasting notes

1 scant tbsp for 18oz water

Nice basic Yunnan. Not a lot of the classic Yunnan flavor probably because no golden tips. A little astringent for my taste, so it required a little sugar. After that addition, I quite enjoyed it.

My personal feeling is that if I find a tea needs sugar and/or milk, I’d rather not make it part of my usual rotation. If I feel like a tea with sweetener and milk, I’ll just have PG Tips or Typhoo. I’ll save my money for those special teas I find that are an amazing experience to drink and savor. (See Butiki Taiwanese Wild Mountain Black!)

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

tbsp or tsp?


I completely agree with your personal feelings about teas that require sugar and/or milk.


I agree about additives as well. If a tea requires additives to be drinkable it’s Not Good Enough.

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